Every Day Is Halloween

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I put on my Christian Death tank top, buttoned my leather pants and put on my Winklepickers and headed out to meet my small group of friends downtown. I didn't like walking alone, because men are creepy, but I don't have much of a choice. I can drive, but I don't have my own car and my dad took his to work.
"Who's funeral is it?" Some dude asked as he walked passed.
"I haven't decided yet!" I said back to him. That shut him up good.

I spotted my friends outside of an antique shop.
"Hello lovelies!" I called. They turned to me and smiled. We were almost the only goths in Denver, so we're like a family. We take care of each other.
"Hey Venus!" Nancy said. She had big teased blonde hair. She loved wearing black with hints of pink. She's the mother of the group. Keeps us in line.


"Hi sweet cheeks!" Tommy says, poking me in the cheek (the one on my face dw

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"Hi sweet cheeks!" Tommy says, poking me in the cheek (the one on my face dw.) He's the wild one. His personality's like a gothic Nikki Sixx.


"Is that a new patch?" Asked Eric, pointing to the Siouxsie Sioux patch on the chest of my leather jacket"Yup! Made it myself

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"Is that a new patch?" Asked Eric, pointing to the Siouxsie Sioux patch on the chest of my leather jacket
"Yup! Made it myself." I replied proudly. Eric. He gets all the ladies. He can be crazy but at least he's a gentleman. He's real sweet.



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"So...what do you wanna do?" I asked.
"Actually, remember when we were talking about going on a trip before college?" Nancy had a sly smile on her face.
"Yeah...why?" She started digging through her purse.
"Hurry up and tell her!!" Tommy jumped around a little. She pulled out four papers. She handed me one.
"Plane tickets?...to London!? Next week!? No way! How did you-"
"My mommy helped out a little. She wanted us to have fun before school." Eric said in a funny voice. I laughed and we did a group hug.
"This will be amazing. I can't wait."


We ended up walking around for a little while.
"What do you wanna do next?" Tommy was still somehow full of energy.
"I don't know. There's that s*x shop near here." Eric said making all of us burst out laughing.
"I don't think so Eric." Nancy chuckled.
"I think I might actually head home. I gotta go over the details and sh*t with my dad."
"Okay...hey do you want someone to walk with you? We already felt bad about you coming here alone." Said Nancy.
"Uh, yeah, actually, if you don't mind."
"I'll take ya." Eric squeezed my shoulder.
"Cool. See y'all later." I waved and we headed to my house.

We walked next to each other in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Eric spoke.
"I've never been out of the state." I smiled.
"Neither have I." We were interrupted by a middle aged man clearly triggered by our style.
"Halloween's over!"
"Every day is Halloween!" Eric yelled back.
"Ha. Old people suck." I said, pulling out a cig.
"Want one?" He took my offer and I lit them.
"I love pissing people off with my...gothness." He joked and I snorted causing us to laugh even more.


We got to my house right when my dad pulled into the driveway. We waited at the door for him.
"Hi sweetie. Hey Eric, it's nice to see you." Dad said.
"Good to see you, too, sir."
"Thanks for walking her home, I appreciate that."
"No problem. Anytime." Eric grabbed my shoulder and shook me aggressively.
"I- damn!" I said, trying to steady myself.

"Alright, I should get going. See ya later!" Eric said walking away.
"Bye!...meanie." I whispered the last part. Me and dad went inside.
"What did you do today?" He asked.
"Not much. We went to a couple shops, that's all." I said as casually as possible, but failing to hide my wide smile.
"Really? You seem extra happy." I did a little jump and pulled out my ticket.
"Look dad, we did it! We're going to London just like we wanted!"
"That's great! When do you go?"
"Next week. Dad, this will be great! I mean, there's gonna be so many new shops, the Batcave-"

"You be careful at that Batcave." He said sternly.
"Why...?" I was confused. From what I've heard, it's fairly safe.
"It's just...there's gonna be a lot of people there. I worry for you, that's all." He said.
"Dad, don't worry. I'll have Nancy, Eric and Tommy with me at all times. And besides. I'm strong. If I need to I can smack someone with my studded jacket." He chuckled and gave me a hug.

"I know. You're real strong. I just don't want you to get lost or hurt."
"Dad, it'll be fine. I'll call you twice a day. How about that?" I pulled away from the hug.
"Okay, that sounds good. Anyways, what do you want for dinner?"
"Hmm...I'm in a Spaghetti mood."
"I was hoping you'd say that."

Hello my gothic bishes. I hope you're doing well. This chapter was a bit...awkward? That's okay. Anyways, I hope you like this bc I'm pretty sure this is the only Jonny Slut fic.

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