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If you are an avid reader of historical fiction, with a slight tinge of romance and palace mysteries, you must visit this book

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If you are an avid reader of historical fiction, with a slight tinge of romance and palace mysteries, you must visit this book. 14 chapters and counting...

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A little bit of the recent chapter is as follows :---

"A faint chill strode across the apex of her neck. She could sense the slight muscular movements beneath her.

The chirps of the thrush and lapwings awakened the sleeping woods. The bonfire had long burnt off leaving the ashes welcome the morning dew.

Abhimanyu inhaled a deep breath after opening his eyelids. The light caress of slender fingers upon his chest spread a blush on his cheeks. He traced his fingers on hers. Turning to his left he stared at her asleep eyelids. She held the rug to her chin tightly; the quiver of her lips didn't go unnoticed by him.

He relived each moment of the previous eve and how the green grass and the old rug meant a world to them. It was fantastic in a nutshell.  "

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