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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

2 weeks later
Sage's POV

"Sage, come on you need to get out of bed. It's been two weeks and all you've eaten is half a turkey sandwich." Jacob begged.

He had been trying everyday for the last 2 weeks trying to get me out of bed, but I couldn't move. I was too tired.

"Please, Sage." Jacob begged again. He came over, and threw open my curtains, and pushed my window open letting some fresh air in, and sunlight fell onto my face.

I just sat there, and avoided his concerned looks. Beau had jumped up onto my bed, and licked the tears off my face. Not even he could cheer me up at this moment in time.

"I have to go to work Sage okay, I'm coming home at lunch and you will be eating, whether you like it or not." He said harshly, leaving me alone once again.

I was alone. All my friends hated me for still being unconditionally in love with a murderer, and none of them had even texted or came to check on me since we had been in the tent.

I felt like I betrayed them. I mean I did, they should hate me. I hate me. I flipped myself over, and switched positions, turning away from the sunlight that was shining on my face.

Rafe had called over 300 times in the past two weeks, but I couldn't even find the energy to pick up. I was surprised that he hadn't shown up at my house, but he probably knew he shouldn't even be close to this side of the island.

I felt numb, like my body wanted to feel something, but it had undergone so much emotion at once, it just shut down. I heard my stomach growl loudly, and I felt myself starting to become faint.

"Sage?" I heard a voice call out, but I couldn't answer. I blinked a few times, to clear my vision, and I saw Kie standing in the doorway. She looked at me with the same concerned look as Jacob.

"Sage." She spoke, rushing over to my side. She brushed my hair out of my face with her soft hands, and I melted into her touch.

"I'm sorry." Kie said softly, squatting down next to my bed. I gave her a small smile to let her know that it was okay. I closed my eyes again, just holding them open took too much energy.

I felt Kie's presence leave, and I heard plates and glasses clattering in the kitchen. I drifted into a light sleep, before I heard her walk back into the room with a gentle knock on my door.

I opened my eyes, and she sat a bowl and a glass of water down on my nightstand. I closed my eyes again, uninterested, before I felt two arms pull me up, and a pillow was placed behind my back.

Promise *Rafe Cameron*Where stories live. Discover now