His Day

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"Chiccaaaaaaaa". I smirked as I began to walk down the hall, my basiclly deformed cake in my hand, as small droplets of frosting began to trickle down my face. Why is everthing like this you askk, hmm welll........


(still Jacobs pov)

"Ugghhh, can I take this blindfold off now"?? I groaned as I was being pushed by Erica, to who knows where in the house.She knows how I feel when it comes to surprises, I get fustrated VERY easily >.< I herd a sigh come from behind me as Erica's voice filled my ear."Impatient much"? I pursed my lips, as we suddenly came to a stop."You have no idea".I smirked as Chica kissed her teeth. "What am I gonna do you with you papi". She mumbled in a sigh as I felt her take off my blind fold, myself growing in excitment, "Love me".I relpied to her words, as a gasp came from my mouth from the sight that appeared in front of me."Mi amor". I whispered as I looked around, balloons flooded across the floor with rose petals all on the furniture, I couldnt believe my eyes.

In silence, I began to slowly make my way into the dinning room, candles were lit everywhere as my eyes spotted the big round white frosted cake that was on the table, I smirked as I looked at the top of the cake, seeing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPI" spelled out in different colored m&m's, I chuckled, only mi amor.

"Jacob".I herd Erica's voice whisper from behind me as I turned my body around slightly, a small smile appearing on my lips as I reached out my hand, pulling Erica near me so she was close."You didnt have to do all this".I mumbled under my breath as I held Erica's chin, so her face was inches away from mines, she slightly shook her head, "Yes I did".She looked into my eyes, as I looked back into hers, "I swear your the best thing that has ever happened to me". I paused as I inhaled a breath, "Chica I love you".I whispered against her lips as I saw tears glisten in her eyes, "I love you to Jacob".She mumbled back to me as I slightly tilted my head to the side, brining my lips down to hers as I kissed her slow and passionatley.What would I do without my chica, the world may never know, because I aint never loosing  her. I sighed into the kiss as I felt Erica slid her tongue against my bottom lip, begging for entrance as Immediatley let her.Both of us fought for dominance as our tongues wrestled with eachothers, when suddenly Erica pulled away.

"Ayye I did not put aaallll this together for nothin, so you blowin out these candles, and we eatin this cake". She giggled as she wiped the side of her mouth, a small smile spreadin across my lips as I shook my head."Ight".I brung my head down as I slightly closed my eyes, making a wish, and instantly after I blew out my candles, which could have been the WORST mistake I could ever make, cause immediatley after!, My head was violently pushed down into the cake, feeling frostin everywhere on my skin as I herd chica laugh hestrically, again, I point out, only mi amor...


(still Jacobs pov)

"And now where back from where we started, me looking for my sexy devil, ooooooo Im gettin her back,"Chicaaaaaa come onnn, you cant hide forever".I smiled instantly as I suddenly herd a noise coming from the bedroom, heheheheh ;) my favorite place in the house. I smirked as I quietly made my way to our room, the door was slightly cracked as I slowly eased it open, using all I could to make sure I didnt make alot of noise, I tip toed inside as the door shut behind me, expecting to see Erica, but instead, "Nothing"??? I furrowed my brows as I herd a snicker, fastly I turned my body around, seeing chica charging towards me as I was suddenly pushed down to the ground by her, the cake now out of my hands as Erica  straddled herself ontop of me."NO FAIR"! I yelled defeatingly as Erica stuck her tongue out at me."Sorry papi buuuutttt your messin with a mastermind here".She shrugged as I rolled my eyes, a samll chuckle escapin my mouth as I placed my hands firmly on her hips.

"Soooo your having a fun birthday".Chica mumbled to me as she bowed her head down, so her face was close to mines, I brushed my lips against hers, "The best".I whispered as I closed my eyes.


"Good".I whispered back to Jacob as I brung his hands under my shirt, feeling his fingers sliding up  my skin as my shirt was bein risen off of me."Cause your second surprise has just started".I pressed my lips firmly on Jakes, as I kissed hungrily, tasting the vanailla frosting as a  m&m sneeked into my mouth, my thoughts suddenly going back to what happened earlier in the market, with Jacob's dad, I sighed, as Jacob groaned into the kiss, feeling his hips slowly begin to grind up towards mines, as I moaned in response.

I cant tell Jacob about earlier, it'll ruin his day, I know hes gonna want to know but......  I-I-ill just tell him tomorrow morning, I felt Jake become hard against me as his grinds became faster.Oh yeah, definently tomorrow morning. I furiosuly bit my bottom lip as I couldnt control myself, "Ayi Papiii".

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