Mission #1 Accomplished

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"R-R-Ray get off me".I stuttered while I grabbed his arms, pulling them off my waist as I turned my body around so we was face to face.

"Oh dont act like you wasnt enjoying it". Ray arched his brows as a smirk formed on his face when suddenly I herd Jacobs voice coming from behind me."Yeah Erica you was enjoying that shit  wasnt you".His tone was angry as I fastly spun around getting greeted by a pissed off Jake, What the fuck man?!!, we just made up and now Ray's ass had to ruin shit, I swear man >.<


I standed still with my arms crossed against my chest as I watched Erica and Jacob arguing back and forth.It was HILARIOUS, A small chuckle escaped my lips as Jacob's angry eyes immediatley rested on me."You think your so bad huh?, you just love trying to ruin my life".Jake's fisted bawled while he spoke in a hiss. Oh he's wants to hit me, I dare this nigga."Actually, I dont think, I know".I shrugged which made Jacob more angrier.

"I swear Ray, You just need to GET A LIFE!" He spatted louldly to me causing everyone around us  to look at the comtion.I kissed my teeth while I rolled my eyes, "I may need to get a life but, uhhhh, you".I spoke sarcasticlly, "Need to watch your girl causee she definently wants the D!" I faked smiled at Jacob as I brung my gaze over twards Erica."Isnt that rite babe"? I spoke in a matter factly tone. I herd Jacob growl, hmmp, this shouuld have these two arguing for the rest of the nite, I smirked, Mission #1 accomplished!! ^_^

Rays sicknening, isnt he? -__-

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