The Accident

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The whole ride home so far was quiet and arkward, neither of us spoke or looked at eachother, just the sound of the car's engine and the radio playing was the only noise that filled the tensing air.

I sighed loudly while combing my hair with my fingers, turning my head so my eyes were looking out the window, when suddenly Jacob began to speak."Why Erica" He blurted out in  a whisper as I clothed my eyes, releasing an annoyed  breath."How many times Jacob do I have to tell". My teeth clenched together as I felt fustrated.I told him for like the billionth time that there's nothing going on between me and Ray, why wont Papi believe me?????

I herd Jake sigh as I rolled my eyes, "Its just the fact that you didnt TELL ME that he went to your school".Jacob hissed as I kissed my teeth, turning my head so my gaze was on him."How was I suppose to tell you, I JUST FUCKIN FOUND OUT YESTERADY!!" I yelled in anger as we pulled up to a  red light, Jacob's grip on the steering wheel tightned as his face began to turn red."Yell at me one more time Erica, I swear Chica, I dare you".His tone was serious as he clenched his lip between his teeth, I blew raspberries while I brung my face close to his ear."What are you gonna do Papi, huh?, what are you gonna do?" I whispered angrily  as Jacob growled after my words, "Your really testing me tonight?"He spoke under his breath, as the light suddenly turned green, I then huffed as I sat back in my seat, Jacob slowly beginning to drive again.

"I swear Jacob sometimes I wished we never even met, I wished we never even would of switched".I mumbled out stubbornly, loud enough so he can hear.

Thats when everything went wrong, Jake took his eyes off the road for that one second took look at me with hurt on his face, thats when I gasped for two reasons, one because I hurt Jacob and two I saw headlights coming staright towards Jakes window.

Thoose were the last things I saw  when everything suddenly went Blank.......

Oh snapp, welp if your wondering yes Papi and Erica just got into Car crash but the person who hit them is definently gonna give you chills, ^_^, soooooo who wants to know what happens next????






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