Chapter 6

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Author's Pov

    Feeling somewhat satisfied Lucio turns away and goes back to talking with Rosie and Lenny. "Why don't we talk out on the patio?" Lenny asks the group. "Yes, it's quite a beautiful day out, we can enjoy the weather and catch up!" Rosie claps her hands together with excitement. Lucio nods with a slight smile as they all proceed to walk out to the patio. Lenny and Rosie sit down on one side of the glass table leaving two chairs on the other side for Lucio and Athena to sit next to each other. Lucio turns to Athena and pulls the chair out for her to sit. "Thank you," she says with a nod. Nodding back Lucio takes a seat. Sitting around the glass table they all seem to be feeling mixed emotions, Rosie and Lenny seem to be over filled with happiness, while Athena appears to be somewhat tense while being so close to Lucio.  Feeling the tension Lucio speaks up, "It seems different here, I've noticed that the garden is bigger and our treehouse is still here, "Looking around Athena looks to where he's talking about. "Oh yes, a lot of things have changed around here but we never wanted to take down that treehouse. It's just another piece of our Leo that we wish to hold on to." Rosie says as her voice cracks reaching out she grabs a hold of Lenny's hand and gives a pained smile. "I remember when you two boys played up there for hours at a time. It feels like only yesterday how we had to drag you boys out of there just to eat dinner." Lenny laughs at the memory of his late son. Lucio glances at the treehouse with a sad look remembering his friend. "We did have a lot of fun back in the day, but I prefer to not think about it most of the time." He looks away fast from everyone with sadness filling his heart, not wanting to show his feelings he pushes it aside and goes back to putting on a blank face. "Athena dear, why don't you tell Lucio more about yourself. I think you two would be really good friends if you both open up." Rosie looks in between the two of them, feeling the tension and awkwardness rise around them; they both steal a sideways glance at each other. "Honey, why don't we go inside and let them talk by themselves." Rosie nods, without a pause, they both get up and leave the patio. Seeming to be flustered, Athena tries to call out to them "B-but-but" Only for Athena to reach out and stop herself.

Lucio Pov

   As soon as Lenny and Rosie walked away I shut off my feelings making sure not to show any emotion on my face. I need to read her without her reading me. Athena is still looking at the door defeated as I look at her with a blank face. She feels my gaze and looks at me nervously. "Uh, hello." She says with a small voice as she looks down at her hands fidgeting and fiddling with her fingers. "This is really awkward, isn't it? heh" Slowly looking up we meet eyes and she blushes. Why wouldn't she, I'm bloody handsome. Feeling satisfied with myself I look at her with more curiosity, "Tell me how you got to know Lenny and Rosie." I speak up. "Well, I was living on the streets after... That doesn't matter." She looks down at her hands and takes a deep breath continuing her story. "I actually pickpocketed Nonno's wallet thinking I got off scot-free, but they caught me and took me here." She smiles at the last memory and I nod. "It seems like you weren't very good at stealing." I tease making her flustered. "Well, it's hard to steal to survive." She pouts not looking at me. I slightly smile without her looking. She is quite cute when she is flustered, her lips are puckered and her eyebrows furrowed with her arms crossed over her chest. I hear her huff, obviously trying to make a point. "So how old are you?" I ask looking at her she stops huffing and sits up. "I've just turned twenty. You?" She cocks her head waiting for an answer. "I'm twenty-five," I say nonchalantly. She looks surprised at my answer.

Athena Pov

   He doesn't look like he's twenty-five, he has such a cold look to him. His eyes look like they have seen many dark things. I don't want to ask him any personal questions but I am too curious. "Do you have any family?" I ask nervously. He looks at me with those cold eyes, "Yes I do. A little sister named Ophelia." He states. "I don't have any family. I've always wondered what it's like to have a younger sibling. You're quite lucky." I laugh at my statement feeling more awkward. Lucio never tears his gaze away from me, it's like he is studying me. "I haven't seen her for five years, I wouldn't say that's lucky." His statement makes me feel something in my chest like I said something I shouldn't have. "I'm sorry, I didn't think about that. The war must have been absolutely terrible." I say, once again looking back at my hands. "The war has been terrible for everyone." He responds blankly. Does he even have emotions? He hasn't shown any emotion since we've been talking. "I guess you're right... I did lose my father due to the war, I have very few memories of him though. He was always working." Lucio nods to my honesty. "I'm sorry for your loss." His voice softens ever so slightly. "Thank you, I'm sorry for yours as well."

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