Bad Omen

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Running through a rapidly dimming forest without any clue to where I was, I must say, wasn't the best idea I've ever had. But, I suppose I wasn't having a lot of good ideas since I became frustrated with Serpo. Apparently I had convinced myself that it was best to randomly run as fast as I could, wherever I wanted, and I would eventually make it back to the apartment shack.

Well, didn't exactly happen the way I planned.

Instead I ended up mindlessly wandering throughout the shadowy forest. The stubborn glitter glow had conveniently decided to stop giving off light. I could hardly see a thing.

I wouldn't have told you then, but boy, was I terrified.

I had a thing about the dark and not knowing what was out there...I still hate it. So, just imagine my fear as I was basically lost, fleeing from a snakish creep that could manifest itself into a black cloud who could be just around the corner. Of course this is all not including my horrendous imagination and the noises of all the night animals.

It had to be about an hour before I finally gave up walking. Trying to remember my way out was absolutely useless. I felt like the forest had sided with Serpo and had been convinced to swallow me whole. Then, the place would send the evening hawks and night coyotes to finish me off. Of course, that would probably be too much of a favor to the world since I'm to bring so much destruction, according to Serpo.

Bored and fatigued, I slid to the spongy leaf-littered floor and rested. Pulling off the glove which was now all hot and sweaty, I promised myself only a couple minutes. I could manage...just a few...

Before I knew it, I had fallen into a deep slumber. I had a dream.

Now, when I say I had a dream, I mean it as a big deal. I never dream, but that night I did.

I dreamt of a Quasid, but of one whose entity seemed entirely different than that of which had the crystal molding in the cave. The dream's dimension of where I stood was entirely black, except the large dormant creature curled up in the center.

It was much more massive than the first, this time being about the size of a house. It had a scaly and elongated body with feline forelegs and hind legs that resembled eagle claws. On its spiny head sprouted a unicorn's horn and out of its mouth, between two fatally fanged jaws, hung a crimson forked tongue. It breathed deeply long and slow...

My left hand longed to reach out to touch its face. I moved my right and gripped to suppress it. Part of me wanted to wake it up, but I knew better. That thing needed to stay asleep.

I awoke with a start. My skin was slimy and wet. Rain. It was raining. Great.

I sniffed and wiped my running nose.

What? The glove was back on my hand! What in the--?

I froze for but a moment, then quickly yanked the glove off and shoved it into my pocket. The ground rumbled beneath me. Thunder cracked and shattered my ears. It was so loud. Was thunder always that loud? I didn't know.

There it went again.

No, it couldn't possibly be lightning. There was no streak. Chunks of black pieces flew into the sky. Fire was flaring against the rain, though it began to die down a bit from the downpour.

There must be civilization near the area. I immediately took off in the direction of the explosion. There had to be someone there! Perhaps the new windmill had malfunctioned...

Or Mundus.

He couldn't already know, could he?

I sprinted, charging through the bushes and brambles. I cut up my feet on branches and stones, kicked mud up my legs, dirtied my feet with who knows what, and frayed my hair, but I was getting there no matter what. I was following the booms and lights, the trembling of the earth beneath my bare feet.

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