Emotionally Compromised

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So i just watched Star Trek 2009 for like the 5th time and i realized I HAVE NO FANFICTION WRITTEN FOR SPOCK AND UHURA so here it is.... my first one set when Kirk emotionally compromised Spock and then this is added in.. storyline paused.....

"You never loved her!!!" Kirk yelled at Spock. Then something inside of Spock snapped, He let out a war whoop and went into a blind turbo mode punching and throwing Kirk around the helm, and ending in choking Kirk. he kept his tight grasp around Kirk's throat, about to kill him

"Spock!!" Sarek yelled. Spock lifted his head and realized what he was doing he let loose of Kirk who started coughing pitifully and then stopping by Dr. McCoy to report he was no longer fit for duty, ran out the door. Uhura got up and followed him.

He ran to his quarters and entered the door, he could feel sobs beginning to grow in his throat. Uhura stood at the door watching him. She walked in and sat down on the bed.

"I almost killed-- him." Spock said his voice catching in his throat.

"But you didn't and that is what matters, you stopped." Uhura said comfortingly. She pulled Spock to her and his head rested against her. His quiet sobs echoing through the quarters.

"If i had held my-- mother-- closer she could have been-- saved..... I-- I-- never told h-her that i- i loved her." He said his voice barely audible.

"She knew. I promise you that she knew." Uhura said stroking his hair.

"This is all my fault! if I had kept her to me, if i had held her hand, if i had--" His words failed him as his sobbing increased. Tears streaming down his cheeks and soaking Uhura's dress.

"No... no... it is not your fault. You had no control over the matter... Stop blaming yourself...." Uhura said a few tears streaming down her face because of the pain she saw in his eyes.

Spock continued to cry, Uhura trying to be a comfort to him.

**I've failed, I've failed my mother, I've failed the ship, I've failed vulcan. I've failed myself...

I should not even live...** Spock thought to himself.

**This is all my fault... Why didn't i hold her closer why didn't i warn her why--**

Uhura noticed his face contorting and his breathing quickening. Her brow furrowed, What was he thinking. Suddenly Spock jumped up and ran to the drawer and grabbed a phaser.

"I CAN'T LIVE KNOWING I CAUSED ALL THIS PAIN!!!" he screamed tears streaming down his face. He aimed the phaser at his head. He almost shot it before Uhura tackled him sending the phaser smashing against the wall...

"NO!! SPOCK YOU MUSTN'T!!!" She screamed when she tackled him. She was sitting ontop of him now. Holding him to the floor.Tears streaming down her face.

"Spock listen to me. It wasn't your fault!! it wasn't! You had no control over what happened on vulcan! Nor do you have any control over what Nero does or anyone else. You can't end your own life that will only cause more pain!! You have to live!! you have a job to do and people who love you!! And-- and ... I love you!!!" Uhura finished her speech and got up off of Spock... He curled up in a ball, sobs echoing loudly through the cabin. Uhura wrapped her arms around him. trying her best to comfort him. He continued to cry. For like an hour. Till finally he could not cry anymore. He stood up and then collapsed to the floor. His world went dark and he was lost to unconsciousness. Uhura screamed thinking he was dead. And frantically called Dr. McCoy.

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