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3rd POV

"Wait, what. You're serious?" Soonyoung eyes widened. His hands covering his dropping mouth as he's walking down the steep staircase going back home. He still can't believe at what Joshua just said.

"Yes! I was shocked too you see. I felt like I was being a third wheel there and I was like, ok bye this issa big news!" He said what he just witnessed in the library yesterday.

"Ah! you're lucky to get to witness that. I should have helped you sort the books out." Jeonghan said jealous of Joshua who get to witness the whole scene.

"My girl Y/n is dating?? Hell to the yeah, omg. But I never expect her to end up dating Jun. I mean we had never saw her being so close to Jun. I would believe it if you said she dated Seungcheol but JUN?! OMG SUPER BIG NEWS." Seungkwan exaggerated. 

"Our friends have started to date. Seungcheol dated Minju and now Y/n and Junnie?! I WANT TO DATE TOO!"  Mingyu stated while faking a cry.

" Eat this will you? STFU and quit dreaming." Myungho said stuffing the egg sandwich into Mingyu's mouth. As usual, Mingyu would always be the victim of 'mouth shoving'.

"WHYTHEHELLAREYOUGUYSALWAYSSHOVINGFOODINTOMYMOUTH?LETMESPEAKFREELY!" Mingyu said as he's mouth were filled with the egg sandwich making what he said almost inaudible.

"At least you got free food." Vernon said making the whole gang broke into a laugh.

"Wait, Seungcheol dated Minju? I haven't heard about it. How?" Jihoon asked confused.

"Me too. I haven't heard about it yet. Now spill the tea." Chan said to the group of boys.

"Seriously you don't know? I think the whole school knew about them dating. Who wouldn't? I mean Minju is like the heather of the school. Having every girls jealous of her pretty face, somehow the news spread throughout the entire school." Soonyoung said.

"I heard from Jun that y/n came to his class few days ago to meet Minju. Seungcheol confessed to Minju through a letter if I'm not mistaken?" Vernon explained as they were walking along the pathways.

"A letter? Seriously? Seungcheol, he's so old-fashioned." Seungkwan scoffed as he can't accept the idea of confessing to someone with a letter.

All of a sudden, the rain started pouring down. The rain got heavier and heavier while the boys panicked as to find a place for shelter.

"Let's just take shelter at the bus stop there." Joshua pointed out to the bus stop not too far away from them. The boys then ran as fast as possible trying not to get their uniforms drenched in rain.

The 10 boys then sat together on a bench under the shelter.

"Seungkwan, move your ass a little bit! I'm crushed by your ass here." Jeonghan complained as he was suffocating.

"Chill, omg. My holy ass is precious. You should be proud to be crushed by it." Seungkwan replied not moving any inch while there's Jeonghan half dead.


Jun's POV

The boys went home without me since I've got a training with the basketball team. I sat down in the changing room while wiping away the sweat on my face with a piece of cloth. 

"Just as expected, our captain." Seungcheol said as he approached me in the changing room handing over a bottle of water.

"Thanks." I grinned. Seungcheol and I were in the school basketball team. The tournament's just around the corner and we were busy with training because of it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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