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Riley's bedroom

3rd POV

Renee and her bestfriend Aurora were sitting with Riley and Maya, Renee's twin and her twin's bestfriend respectively, on the bay window in Riley's room.

"Why do we have to sneak out the window, if we're not doing anything wrong until we sneak onto the subway?" Riley asked the people around her.

"You think you're ready to just walk by your parents?" Maya questioned Riley.

"I think I'm ready." Riley smiled while Maya, Renee and Aurora shared a look.

"Let me see your face as you walk by your parents." Aurora dared the brunette, wanting to test if she really was as ready as she claimed. Riley gave a look of sheer fright to the other three.

"Why are you making that face at us, Riley?" Maya asked, taking the role of the twins' parents.

"Because I'm sneaking out to the subway..." Riley sheepishly confessed, making her twin shake her head and Aurora sigh.

"Out the window." Riley pointed to the window, "Let's go." Maya encouraged and went out with her bestfriend, while Renee and Aurora just sat there knowing what was gonna happen next.

"In 3....2....1..." Renee and Aurora counted as the two girls came back inside, followed by the twins' Dad, Cory Matthews, having been stopped by him.

"Daddy! What are you doing out here?" Riley innocently asked.

"Being smarter than me. How come you're always smarter than me?" Maya whined.

"Here's what I'm thinking." Cory started as Riley and Maya moved to sit on the bed while the other two stayed on the bay window, "It's not your world yet. It's still my world. Because if it was your world, Maya, Renee and Aurora would have you on the subway already, thinking you pulled something over on me. But you didn't. Wanna know how I know? Look at you, you're right here." Cory paused to look at Renee and Aurora, "Why didn't you both crawl out the bay window with them?" He raised an eyebrow as the two answered,

"Because we're not idiots." The duo answered together before looking at each other, smiling and saying, "Ooh~Same-sies."

The two bestfriends didn't even notice Maya's glare and Cory's weirded out expression.

"How long do we have to live in our father's world?" Riley asked bringing back Cory's attention to her.

"Until you make it yours. Riley, Renee, do you know what I want more than anything? Go ahead. Make it yours." Cory gestured towards the twins.

"We will. And when we do, will you still be there for us?" Renee questioned with a hopeful expression on her face.

"Right here. We'll be right here." Another person's voice came from near the door. The five people in the room looked towards the source of the noise and saw Topanga Matthews, Renee and Riley Matthews' mother.

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 - Gmw ᵒᶜ ˣ ᵒᶜWhere stories live. Discover now