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John Quincy Adams Middle School, Hallway

Renee's POV

Maya, Aurora, Brandon and I were looking at Riley and Lucas. My twin standing near us and the blonde boy near the staircase. The two of them were texting each other. Brandon, Aurora and I were also waiting for Max since Aurora apparently had left the house before him, again.

"Talk to him." Maya said to Riley who just shrugged and said, "Why? We have a great text relationship."

"You know what's better than a text relationship?" Aurora said.

"What?" Riley asked, looking up from her phone.

"Talk to him!" Maya, Aurora and I said in unison making Brandon jump.

"Sheesh! You guys sure do speak loud." He said and got back to texting his Dad whom he hadn't seen in a long time.

We ignored his comment and turned to Riley, "Look, he's right over there." I said while pointing in Lucas's direction.

"Nooooo, too complicated over there. Lots can go wrong over there. The only thing that can go wrong over here, is if I go over there." Riley argued.

But as soon as Aurora and I pointed in his direction, she gave in and walked towards him.

We watched as she attempted to say 'hi' to him multiple times, just without any actual sound coming from her mouth. I heard laughing behind me and saw Brandon recording my twin make a fool of herself. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the said twin.

'Talk...to...him' I mouthed to her and instead of doing what I told her to..... Riley. Sniffed him. S-N-I-F-F-E-D him! I could hear Brandon's roaring laughter from behind me. I bit my lip to suppress my laughter too.

Riley walked back to us with a skip in her steps, "How'd I do?" She smiled.

"You smelled him." Maya deadpanned.

"Yup." Riley said, still wearing a smile.

"Yup. You smelled him is what you did." Aurora repeated, thinking she hadn't heard the first time.

"I walk through life, the way I walk through life." My twin told us. I heaved out a sigh.

"Can we please talk about this?" Maya and I asked. Riley picked up her phone and typed something, a second later my phone buzzed, "Nope."

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