✯Late night fun✯

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⚠DISCLAIMER: This will contain some scenes that are triggering to some audiences, viewers digression is advised! This is a filler chapter⚠

I get a text;


I never knew you were into that shit? Can I come over tonight...I wanna talk with you. 👀

I raise my brows at his text but quickly look back at my screen with a neutral expression. I continue with my tasks and catch toast killing mark. 

"See this is why you never let your guard down around toast," I say finishing while my last task. After a few other rounds and games, we call it a day and end our streams. I open up my drawer and grab my Nintendo, turning it on and opening Animal Crossing New Horizons. I start playing and those few minutes turn into three hours.

After those three hours, I go to the kitchen to grab a snack, I open the fridge looking directly at the yogurt that I really don't like, and suddenly remember that encounter making my head spin.


 "I'd like some yogurt only if you have any." He asks again nonchalantly as if he didn't say what I thought he did. I quickly nod racing over to the kitchen to escape his intense gaze. If I had stayed in that room for any longer I'd probably be unable to contain myself. anymore embarrassment. I grab the two yogurt containers from the fridge reading the labels. Vanilla or mixed berry..."Hey Adrian! Vanilla or mixed berry?" I shout from the kitchen still not wanting to be in the same room as him. I suddenly feel the chills as if someone was right behind me.

"Vanilla." He whispers in his infamous deep raspy voice, right behind my ear. I panic freeze as I feel his hot breath against my sensitive skin. I feel my toes tingle as if they were asleep all the way up to my core, the heat is now unbearable. Without thinking I spun around on my heels only to be met by his obsidian eyes, then I realized his closeness and gulp while shyly looking away. "Oh hi there.....lemme just uh grab that uh-uhm a- that plate..?" I scrunch up my face in my own disappointment, I mean who eats yogurt on a fucking plate? I point to behind him but he doesn't look over there. He stays unfazed and fixated on me. I find enough courage to look into his eyes and for what felt like the longest time in history, feeling an overwhelming sense of desire overcome me. "Are you done eye-fucking me yet?"

~!End of flashback!~

Becoming flustered and irritated by my reactions I grab the yogurt and throw it out in the garbage underneath my sink. 

'I'll regret that later...'

Completely forgetting about the text  Adrian sent me, completely oblivious to what's going to be arriving at my door at the worst possible moment. I decide on a granola bar scarfing it down like a mad man. realizing that I haven't eaten all day. 

After a while, I get uncomfortable in my clothes as I scroll through social media. Deciding to change my clothes and take a shower. I go to my room and get my clothes out, putting them on my bed. I start the shower checking the water temperature every minute. I get my face wash and strip down, entering the shower. turning on some music I dance and sing along while washing my hair. 

'I can finally start watching the 5th season of My Hero Academia.' I hum with a smile as I think of those two-dimensional characters that give me such joy and happiness when I see them. 

I get out feeling refreshed, wrapping a towel around my body as I enter my room. I put on my silk undergarments and put the towel on the end of my bed not knowing I had an audience.  I look at my bed to find that the clothes that I put out aren't there. I scrunch up my face thinking of where else I would put them. 

'Oh, right maybe my dresser...'

I turn around and stop dead in my tracks to see Adrian standing there while looking at his hand. And in his hand are the clothes I set on my bed. 

"Looking for these?" He asks while slowly looking up with a sheepish smile. I get a chill and goosebumps erupt from my skin. "Yeah, can you hand them over? No, can  you throw them over here?" I ask wanting to stay the distance we are considering my state of 'wearing no clothes except my undies.' He nods and starts to walk over to where I was situated. He puts his hand out and I immediately try and grab the clothes. He allows me to take the clothes, "sorry for intruding."

He looks at my shoulders and neck, his jaw tightening. "Uh, can you please not look? Thaanksss." I draw out the thanks and make him a little flustered. "Sorry, I- 'll wait in the living room." He says while covering his face with his right hand. I notice he has six fingers on that hand and softly smiles at his flustered state. "Are you going to leave soon or?" I tease and he panics. "Oh right, sorry." He says quickly and leaves. Closing the door gently after himself. 

I chuckle and put on my grey sweat pants. Grabbing the white tee put it on. Looking down I see how big it is, not to mention the wine stain...

A/n: Hey! Hi, how're you? Been a while huh? I can never keep my word with deadlines, now can I? But I'm trying to change that! I got an agenda and I put reminders in my phone so yeah. I've also gotten so much more motivation for this book. I sat on my roof in the sun while listening to sunkissed by Khai dreams and King of the clouds by P!atd. It gave me an idea for this book and yeah. I also watched a movie and it gave me an idea of how I want my footing for writing the character growth and personalities. I haven't slept in months so I'm basically running off of coffee and just life lol. Anyway, I plan on updating again this weekend so I hope you're doing well <3 My dms are open if you want someone to talk to (I too am kinda lonely lulz ngl) Anyway thank you for reading and we'll see you soon. Not edited. Word count 1119 

-your Insomniac Bean <3

-your Insomniac Bean <3

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