✯Fake money✯

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⚠DISCLAIMER: This will contain some scenes that are triggering to some audiences, viewers digression is advised! Also, this is half edited so hmu if you see any mistakes! ⚠

"Yes I'd like to have a taste of you..." He mutters thoughtfully while gazing at my neck.


"W-what now?" I incoherently stutter, his voice making me weak in the knees but I find myself and my balance as I look back to find the eye contact that'd I'd lost while he was...Staring at my neck. Heat starts to rise to my face as I blink a face of confusion on my face. My cheeks feel like their a profound cherry red as my brain finally processes what he'd said.

(The ones on your face not the ones on your ass mk? You cheeky readers, tsk tsk tsk👁👄👁 😏)

'Wait what- did I just fucking stutter.' 

"I'd like some yogurt only if you have any." He asks again nonchalantly as if he didn't say what I thought he did. I quickly nod racing over to the kitchen to escape his intense gaze. If I had stayed in that room for any longer I'd probably be unable to contain myself. anymore embarrassment. I grab the two yogurt containers from the fridge reading the labels. Vanilla or mixed berry..."Hey Adrian! Vanilla or mixed berry?" I shout from the kitchen still not wanting to be in the same room as him. I suddenly feel the chills as if someone was right behind me.

 "Vanilla." He whispers in his infamous deep raspy voice, right behind my ear. I panic freeze as I feel his hot breath against my sensitive skin. I feel my toes tingle as if they were asleep all the way up to my core, the heat is now unbearable. Without thinking I spun around on my heels only to be met by his obsidian eyes, then I realized his closeness and gulp while shyly looking away. "Oh hi there.....lemme just uh grab that uh-uhm  a- that plate..?" I scrunch up my face in my own disappointment, I mean who eats yogurt on a fucking plate? I point to behind him but he doesn't look over there. He stays unfazed and fixated on me. I find enough courage to look into his eyes and for what felt like the longest time in history, feeling an overwhelming sense of desire overcome me. "Are you done eye-fucking me yet?"

 'Oh... this space invader's gonna call me out on it? Nahh I ain't having that.'

 "No, not yet," I reply then click my tongue at him. (Enter lewd thoughts here. Jk jk. 😂👏)  He looks at me with an unreadable expression and it kind of spooks me out. I try to slide out of his way but he ends up sandwiching me between the counter and his body. My mind flushes and runs wild with the hypotheses of what's going to happen next. I can feel the warmth of his body against mine, he leans in and tilts his head to the side and  I close my eyes but open them when I feel him lightly nuzzling my neck with his nose. I panic freeze again for  a good minute until he pulls away saying with a smirk, "you smell nice." I stand now there feeling shook. 

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