✯Hungry for food✯

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⚠DISCLAIMER: This will contain some scenes that are triggering to some audiences, viewers digression is advised!⚠

I get the soft boy vibes radiating from the man beside me. A few minutes later his expression changes in a second and suddenly I don't have that feeling anymore. I feel a pit in my stomach drop and my gut feeling tells me, something was about to go down... 

"I need to tell you something." He says in a deep husky voice sending chills down my spine. Heat starts to knot in my stomach.

"Mhm, go ahead. I'm all ears." I utter masking my uncertainty and arousal. He turns to fully face me in his seat. His legs spread while his arm rests on his knee while the other is running through his curly hair pulling it back. 

'Oh . . . he's so -'

My thought gets cut off by his curt question and my sex drive gets doused with cold water as he continues seeming pissed. 

"You heard of that party that's going to be held this weekend and you were probably invited by Mark and everyone else correct?"

(I actually have no clue what day this is in the novel??? whoopsies lets just say its Friday)

 He asks with a bitter tone. I nod my head not wanting to say something wrong or out of line. My sexual 

" You'll never leave my side at all for the whole night. You'll be with me at all times got it? Even in the bathrooms, you will stay by my side at all times. I got an outfit for you to wear. I put it together so that we could match." 

He said his tone softening and he winks with an easy reserved smile making me relax a little.

 "Sure! I bet we're going to look super cute together. I'm looking forward to it. Is that all you have to tell me?" I probe.

"ye-" He gets cut off by the ringing of my phone and looks at the counter. 

"Oh, it's just a reminder to get groceries. Wanna come with me?" 

His eyes travel from my hand all the way up my arm to meet my gaze  . 

"Yes, but why are you going at this hour?" He asks stiffly, his brow furrowing as he leans closer loosing our eye contact by looking at something past me.

 "Because the grocery store that I go to all the time is super busy all day but at night it's not there are really only the workers there and the few occasional customers," I reply, shrugging my shoulders.

'I am not that fond of interacting with people especially at grocery stores, they get pushy and stand right where you need to be which pisses me right the f off.'

He says nothing and just says sure as we get ready to leave.

With the apartment locked up we headed over to the store. Small talk littered our walk to the store but in-between was accompanied by a unsteady silence. Our footsteps and breathing in sync as we continue on in silence finally making it to the front of the store. The light welcoming us in. The chilly air fades as the doors slide open with a familiar ding as we enter the vestibule and the fans hums consistently in the background. Soft music plays throughout the store as we make our way further into the store towards the tea and snacks section. 

"Do you want any snacks or ingredients to make anything?" I inquire looking up at him with a lopsided smile tilting my head while motioning to all around me. 

'Generally curious about what he likes to eat. Fruit, veggies, snacks, drinks, and meals. Maybe we could cook or bake together sometime...?'

"I love pizza. Its so good and super diverse in flavors that you can have and mix. I love pizza." He declares nodding his head. My smile turns into a flat out grin widening at each word he says.

"Why don't we get ingredients to make pizza and make pizza sometime this weekend? or tonight. . .?" I hesitate.

"I'd love to. Tonight. What toppings should we get? I was thinking Hawaiian pizza with ham, pineapple, and yumminess" He says with a dreamy look on his face with that deep voice of his that makes me giggle.

"Sounds like heaven, though I like pepperoni and cheese... Lets split up we'll be faster this way. I'll get the produce and canned things and you'll get the cheese and meat." I say. 

He hesitates and stares at me with his piercing dark eyes that see right through me. The corners of his lips pull up into a ghost of a smile and immediately I feel as if I've swallowed a hundred butterflies. My face heats up and I start looking for the produce sign, chickening out of whatever that was. I hear him sigh as I walk away and risk a glance behind me as I walk to the produce section. His tall figure and broad shoulders disappear as he slowly turns to walk down an aisle. I continue on and get all that I need except for canned olives. I'm searching high and low and I bend over scanning through the shelve.

I suddenly feel someone's presence behind me and hands slowly caress my hips and find their way to my waist.

A sudden warmth covers my back and I feel his hot breath against the back of my ear sending hot tingles down my spine to my heat. My nipples harden straining  against my shirt with want for attention. Knots in my belly wind and heat up as they tie tighter when his lips brush the sensitive of my neck and ear lobe. I close my eyes relishing in the contact. 

"They're right here, darling. They've been there this whole time. You just missed them..." He breathlessly says and it causes my mind to scramble, unable to form any words. My attention falls to a hardness pressed against my ass. My heat starts to drool and I'm afraid its going to run down my legs that are quivering from the overwhelming sexual desire and sensation. He pulls me up right and turns me around to face him. 

"Oh... I didn't see them there-thanks." I try to say with a steady voice, but it barely reaches above a whisper. I stare at his chest unable to look at his face with what I'm feeling. 

He chuckles, a deep rumble from his chest vibrates through me causing me to audibly gasp. My arousal fogging my brain. I look up making an 'o' face. 

"You smell so good baby..."

 I feel his nose nuzzling against my neck, lower, lower, till he reaches between my neck and collar bone.  I feel his lips massage my skin, in gentle wet kisses that get needier and more frantic. I feel his teeth nibble against my skin. Nipping and licking my skin causing goosebumps to cover me from head to toe. The sensation sending me into another state of mind. I drop my basket. Wanting more,  I slowly and methodically trail my hands up from his thighs up his abdomen and back down to his sides. I finally made my way to his back and my hands find his curly black hair. I gently tug and massage his scalp earning a groan from him. I feel his mouth open. Something sharp slides across my skin. I want to give myself to him and submit to him. Show him love, a good time because I know he'll never hurt me in ways I've been hurt before.

"I'm sorry angel this might hurt a little but I need you so bad, to taste you. . ."  

To be continued . . .

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