Chapter 2

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*Comments help me stay motivated*

The chirping sound of my alarm echoed into my ear, while I slowly gained consciousness out  of my deep sleep. A soft yawn escaped my lips, as gently rubbed my eyes. After turning off my alarm, I reached to pick up my phone and check my notifications.

My lips curled into a  smile, when I saw that Yachi texted me. She texted to make sure I was awake, and reminded me to meet up at our special location. I flipped myself to the side, while my fingers moved swiftly against my keypad, texting Yachi back.

A loud banging noise made me jump, as my door was flung open. My sister Natsu ran in, jumping on me while giggling. I burst out into laughter from the unexpected weight on me.

"Shoyo can you please get up now.  I'm hungry!" Natsu whined, leaning more weight onto me in the process.

I tried to catch my breath. Having Natsu's weight on me all at once, made it more difficult. I tried to push her off, but she just jumped back onto me. 

"Fine I'll get up and make breakfast, if you get off of me!" I laughed, struggling to get Natsu off. 

Natsu seemed satisficed with my bargain. She hummed in response, crawling herself off me and headed back out my bedroom door. I sat up and moved myself around my room, grabbing my school uniform.

After combing my hair and brushing my teeth, I made my way downstairs. I pulled out some ingredients to make my sister and I some breakfast. After we finished eating, I walked with my sister to her bus stop.

After seeing her safely get onto her bus, I got onto my bike to ride to school. As I rode my bike, the nippiness of the chilly air, hit my face. The wind roared into my ears, as I biked upwards. 

As got onto school grounds, I saw Kageyama reading a book as he sat on a bench. He looked so focused, I couldn't help but smile. I made my way over and sat myself beside him.

Kageyama's eyes shifted to the side to glance at me. When he noticed it was me, he quickly averted his eyes. Kageyama lifted the book higher to hide his face.

"What are you reading?" I questioned, while I moved myself closer to Kageyama.

He murmured something inaudible. That only made me use my hand to push Kageyama's book down a bit, so I could see his face. A gentle pink shade dance around Kageyama's cheeks, as he looked away.   

"I'm actually looking at different kind of hand singles, we could use for a game..." Kageyama awkwardly explained to me.

My eyes lit up when I heard that. I leaned closer to him, trying to peek at the book as well. Kageyama smiled as he watched me to peep at his book. 

"That's so cool!" I gushed at the different signals. 

That comment only made Kageyama's smile deepen. He chuckled, causing me to turn my head to look at him.  Kageyama moved his hand, doing a couple of hand signals.

"That would tell you what position I want you to receive the ball in!" Kageyama explained with confidence.

"You're so cool Kageyama!" I praised, as I stared at him amazed at how he could do all those signals so quick.

Kageyama look like he froze in place. My hands reached for his shoulder, shaking him a bit out of concern. Kageyama didn't respond, he just looked away again, as he handed me his book.

"Here, take it. You need it more then me anyways..." He scuffed out, as he continued to look away.

My eyes widened, as I stared at the book for a bit. A smile made its way back onto my face. I thanked Kageyama, as I took the book from his hands. 

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