Chapter 3: UA Exams

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A year has passed since Izuku was reunited with Uraraka and the name Accelerator has become widespread among not only middle school but some highschools as well.

All that's known of Accelerator is his albino white hair, his weak physical appearance, red eyes, and he's the most powerful middle school student in japan.

The UA entrance exam is in 1 month and the all powerful Accelerator is helping his friend Uraraka study.

Though Ochako has been acting pretty strangely around him lately. Izuku just brushed it off thinking that it's because of all the attention he's been getting for being Accelerator.

The day of the exams:

Katsuki Bakugo is approaching the doors to UA. The sludge villain had apparently been mentioned on the news but not very much was said about it so people don't really remember it.

It's something Bakugo remembered though and he's been itching to "have a word" with Izuku ever since, and this is where he could do it.

Unfortunately before Izuku arrives Bakugo trips on his shoelace.

Bakugo: (SHIT!) *Feels a hand on his shoulder*

Bakugo turns to look at the person who caught him.


Ochako: a thank you would've been nice

???: It's pointless trying to get him to thank you, I'm speaking from experience

Bakugo: Dammit! Why are you here!? YOU CAN'T BE A HERO WITH JUST SMARTS DEKU!

Ochako: his quirk isn't an intelligence quirk *giggles*

Girl 1: OMG It's Accelerator!

Guy 1: he's so awesome!

Guy 2: of course he's going to UA!

Bakugo: (Accelerator? Don't tell me the nerd is-?)

Accelerator: long time no see Kacchan, but just so you know I usually go by Accelerator nowadays.

Bakugo was speechless, but he still had so many questions to ask.


Accelerator: you'll find out when you get in

The mighty Accelerator turns to his best friend Ochako.

Accelerator: I'm gonna head in, you can release him now

[Izuku got first in the written portion of the exams since he not only got everything right he also had his own theories when it came to the physics portion]

Skipping to the practical portion:

Our protagonist is thinking about how he should take out the robots, when he starts walking towards the gate to get a little headstart but stops when he hears a scream in pain.

Accelerator looks behind him to see the impatient blue haired boy with his fingers bent backwards.

Accelerator: hey third string may I ask what you were doing that activated my AIM Field?

Blue hair: What are you talk-?

Mic: GOOO!

Accelerator uses the vectors around his body to boost his movement by an inhuman amount, launching himself through the gate to punch a robot.


Mic: What are you all doing!? There are no countdowns in real battles! GO! GO! GO!

In the surveillance room:

Midnight: the candidates for this year look promising!

Nezu: Erasure head you've had your eye on him for a while

Erasure head: can you tell me what his name and quirk is?

Nezu looked down at the file:

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Alias(s): Accelerator

Quirk: Vector Manipulation

Nezu was a little surprised by his quirk, however those with greater power also have even greater drawbacks.

Nezu was incredibly intrigued by him, thinking of all the ways you could use a quirk like that made him wonder more and more about the drawback.

Snipe: well anyways there's still a little time before it's over, let's see how they react.
As snipe presses a big red button.

Back in the fake city:

The ground starts shaking, people are screaming and running away.

Accelerator can't help but feel excited, this could be an actual challenge for him.

He sees the 0p across the city he starts walking toward the havoc.


A girl gets her foot stuck under the rubble. As the 0p gets closer and closer the teachers try to deactivate the 0p but to no avail.

All might is about to head out but is stopped by Nezu who points at one of the screens.

Nezu: let's see what HE does.

All might sits back down with a worried expression but he trusts Nezu's judgement.

Back with Accelerator:

He turns the corner to see a girl asking for help but no one is listening to her. Accelerator is visibly angered by this as black wings appear on his back.

Accelerator soars to the sky leaving a crater and a few buildings heavily damaged.

He compresses the air into a single point to create a ball of plasma.

Accelerator: Omae wa mō shinde iru (you are already dead)

As he launches the plasma ball at the 0p's head destroying it's top half he calms down and checks on the girl.

Meanwhile in the surveillance room:

Almost everyone's jaws were on the floor except for Nezu who had a wide smile on his face.

Nezu: interesting, he compressed the wind around him to create plasma and then released the plasma towards the 0p. Impressive!

Back with Accelerator:

Extra 1: the hell was that?

Extra 2: it was insane is what it was

Extra 3: how is that type of power even possible!?

Accelerator can hear them talking but pays them no mind as this girls well being is more important.

After getting the rubble off of her, he sees that she passed out from the shock of almost dying.

He carries her back over to RG:

Accelerator: she passed out from shock... *Glares at the rest of the examinees*
As for the rest of you... She was clearly asking for help while all of you left her for dead!

Extra 2: we were scared give us a br-!

Accelerator: saying you were scared won't make up for innocent lives! So keep this in mind next time you're scared, you can't have bravery without fear

The teachers heard what this kid had to say through the cameras and All might already liked him.

After his lecture he bent the blue haired kids fingers back into place and walked back home.

Where he quickly fell asleep...


A/N: sorry this took so long, I've been really unmotivated lately but I made this chapter longer as a sorry :/

PS. Should I change the ship? If so who?

1. Nejire (1st year)

2. Momo

3. Keep it Izuku x Ochako

Accelerator Deku (bnha x a certain magical index)Where stories live. Discover now