chapter 6

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The copyright of the photos and musics doesn't belong to me.

This story may contains foul language and description of sexual acts.

This is a work of fiction build on imaginative characters in a fictitious manner.


'If I know what love is
It is because of you'
~~~Herman Hesse


Harry's POV:

Mum was waiting for me at the dining table. When she saw me devastated, she rushed towards me and hugged me tightly.

...... What's the matter baby!? Why are you looking so upset? Did somebody hurt you?

......'no mum... I'm just tired' by saying that I couldn't hold myself together... I was really going through a breakdown and I didn't know how to gather myself together. I was trembling at the thought what might happen at zayn's house. I won't able to face cold zayn again tonight... I don't know what I'll do if he does behave like I am irrelevant again.

..... Baby lay down a little... You will feel better.

..... 'No mum... I have to go to zayn's house tonight to complete our assignment which our teacher gave us as a team.' I sniffed.

..... But you are not okay... You should take some rest... I'll tell gemma to prepare your favorite meal....

..... 'No mum! Why don't you get it! It's important!' I was fuming now that she wasn't listening to me at all.

..... 'Okay okay! I will never understand what power zayn has over you that you behave like this. It's like without him you don't know how to move. Okay now get refreshed and have dinner and then you can go.' She told and went to arrange the dinner table.

Gemma was enjoying the show from the other room. But I was so nervous and exhausted that I couldn't argue with her tonight. I went up to my room and after freshening up, I wore some decent clothes.

After finishing my dinner, I came upto the lawn of zayn's bunglow and I was preparing myself for the onslaught that's going to happen.

I was dreading whether to go inside or not... At that point of time, the door opened and he was standing there, waiting for me.

I couldn't move. I was forzen at that place as he stared at me with his honey golden eyes like he was penetrating my soul. I was hypnotized by his eyes.

He sensed my hesitation and said 'hey come inside! we have tons of works to finish! And since when you need permission to come inside my house?'

..... 'Since you started ignoring me' I said so silently that I hoped he couldn't hear that.

'My family went to a party tonight. So it's empty and no one will disturb us this way. I mean our studies.' He looked down as he said that.

My heart rate went up to the sky after knowing that we were alone in this big house. 'Yeah cool!' That's all came out of my mouth.

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