a while later...

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It's been a long while since error took me home and almost got hit by my brothers hammer.

It was kind of hilarious to see actually until error managed to explain himself to my brother before he left to either go do his job or something else like maybe hang out with nightmares gang for a little bit longer.

Meanwhile my brother was a bit more protective and cuddly lately after that.

But he does understand why error did it now, but I don't think he would take it to kinda if error killed me and then told him why.

I thought while I was being cuddles by my older brother.

I silently giggled, a bit amused now that I'm thinking of a few things.

I should visit cream and tell him the good news later! I thought with a smile, I wonder when I'll end up in a new au as well?

So far my brother hasn't caught me yet about me traveling to different aus.

Though it's only between my au and two other aus right now.

Maybe error will tell him when I'm not here? I thought feeling a bit curious now.

Cause honestly, I hope sans will still let me travel between the aus when I want if he finds out.

Cause I both visit a friend and help out horrortale.

I like visiting the two aus that I've visited so far, considering the fact that I've grown fond of them.

And cream is my friend and for horrortale, I just want to be able to feed them and I have a soft spot for harsher aus...

Maybe I should finally tell my brother...maybe.. probably not or maybe later on..

351 words 😅 so short but I couldn't add anything else to this soooo meh.

The next one will be longer. But after that I have no ideas.

Ja nee~!

Ink, error, fresh
Undertale, papyrus/cream, sans/ classic
Underswap/ Papyrus/rus, sans/blue
Horrortale, papyrus/sugar, sans/horror/Mars
Dusttale, sans/dust, papyrus/ phantom
Xtale, sans/cross, chara
Killertale, sans/killer
Dreamtale, Dream, Nightmare
Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/ edge
Swapfell, sans/blackberry, papyrus/purple
Fellswap, sans/black, papyrus/ gold
Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/galaxy
Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void
Epictale, sans/epic, papyrus/titan


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