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You couldn't lie, Allura was gorgeous

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You couldn't lie, Allura was gorgeous. You were a loner, fleeing from the confines of the Galra empire, when you ran into a huge flying lion. You of course had heard of the legends, but never believed them. Peace hadn't been in the universe since Altea, and that was yet a memory. But before you was a Voltron paladin, a yellow color, and he offered you shelter in exchange of support battling the Galra. You agreed immediately, knowing if things got hairy you could just escape. That was, until you saw the Altean Princess alive and well- and, well, you were screwed.


'Maybe I will stick around...'


i am SO sorry for my disappearing acts as of late. i just haven't had a lot of motivation to write- but i promise i will finish this book!

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