Feb 16
So I probably haven't updated in... a while, to say the least. In geological times, though, it's barley even a blink of an eye! So this will be a huge update (5 months worth), so get ready to do some serious reading.(not really)
I have awesome news! Me and Jenny (Jenny and I) are technichally oficially "more than friends". Basically, we're dating. I've taken her out on a couple dates, including but not limited to: the movies, an ice cream place, the dance( the other one). Also, I did something for Valentine's day: so I ran up to her house and dropped off some cookies in a heart shaped box, and ran behind the bushes. I did that 1 or 2 more times. Then, I went up there with my trumpet, and played the romantastical song "a kiss to build a dream on". Anyways, I scored two hugs from that (both extra long) and a "you're so sweet, give me another hug" after the first one. I've started back on pragramming, which I haven't done in a while. I'm working on a program that should be out soon, and in about say... a week?. Find it at: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/48034756/
That's all for now,
Feb 21
Rant time! I don't really know how to start this off, but... I'm an evolutionist. Now, just because I don't belive in a God(s), doesn't mean I'm satanic. I don't belive in him, either. Now, I live in the Bible Belt, and therefore a lot of people are Catholic and other variations of Christanity (Lutherism, Judaism, so on and so forth). I'm fine if you're not Athiest, and I'm not trying to make you belive exactly what I belive, but hear me out. The one thing I cannot stand is when people say" you're horrible and you're gonna go to not heaven (trying to keep it pg rated here) because you don't belive in God and blahblahblahrahrahrah". I respect your beliefs, and understand them. Seriously, I've read some of the Bible, and I understand most to all of it. It's just that I don't belive exactly what you belive.
Most of the time, I don't even tell anyone. In fact, I even try to keep it a secret. Bill (my best friend) and Jenny (my new girlfriend) don't even know. It's just that someone that makes a comment about something to do with it asks my opinion on it, and then I say "well, I'm not Christian". Then, they say "Oh, are you Jewish?" I, still trying to get out of it, say "No." It goes back and forth for a while with "Hindu?"and some more "Nope." and then "Buudhist?" and then (again) "No." Finally, they simply just ask "Well, what do you belive in?" and I, reluctantly knowing that they're gonna go off on me, say "well, I don't necessarily believe in a God, but rather than man evolved from chimpanzees evolved from small mammals evolved from lizards, who in turn evolved from fish, who then, again, evolvolved from algae and bacteria through 2-3 billion years of selective reproducition and darwinism." Then (as always) they say the whole "you're satanic and evil because you don't belive in god rah rah i'm never talking to you again you heartless jerkbag rah blah blah blahity balh blah!" I'm not saying that all Creationists are like this, but the ones I've met are. Anyways, I just wanted to let any Creationist that's reading this that I honestly don't care what you belive, and, if you could, not flaunt your opinion like a new pair of shoes or a 6 figure income.
March 10
The only reason I haven't updated in a while is because nothing's really happened. Anyways, here's what happened: Lots of hugs, and some clever compliments here and there(something about a duck, she said "that's cute", then I said "well, it's not as cute as you", etc.). We've been dating 3 or 4 months, but nothing has happened... well, more hugs. I could make a graph... I'll start to do that sometime.
Anyways, bye.
Random Bunch of Randomness
HumorSo I had this big long thing about this book, and then I didn't save, and clicked "edit cover". Just pretend that you read some random stuff about commercials, British accents, proper English, and some other random stuff. --Waffle--