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  • Dedicated to Jenny , and also Everyone Ever.


        SO today is... I forgot. Tuesday! Tuesday the 9th, September 2014.Yes, the glorious glorious day after the most horrible day in the history of ever that we have come to know and love as "Monday"... what a horrible name. So lemme catch you up on this. I'm in sixth grade... um... and I think I have a date to the dance! yay.  So I have an imaginary friend named George, for starters. I like jokes, french toast, jellybutter sandwiches and rock and roll music ( Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Ben E. King, Buddy Holly, etc.). Thats pretty much it about me. EXCEPT nothing. (taht first picture in media is EXACTLY what i look like when I dance, what with everyone standing around thinking "what is that idiot doing" and all.)

        Basically all that happened so far in the year.... well, theres a  girl and from now on lets call her... Jenny ( listening to "Jenny, Jenny" by Little Richard". So I like Jenny. She likes me. Yay! Thats... amazing. I've never had anyone say "yes" when I asked them if they like me. Now, dopamine is a chemichal that makes you happy. Thats why they call the drug dope, because of high amounts of dopamine. So imagine dopamine plus stage-fright mixed with some adrenaline and a little pure awesomeness. Thats how it felt. We have a dance coming up in October-ish, and so I can finally tell all the jerks that said I don't have a date that I do. Actually, she said she's not even sure if se wants to go but if she does she's gonna go with me. But she does like me and I like her back.

        What else... I have a friend! So his name isn't Bill, but i'll call him that. So bill has been helping with (SARCASTIC YAY) girls. I'm fine with talking to anyone. Anyone, unless they're a jerk. I can talk to girls, guys, snails, cats, and pretty much anyone ever. Except girls I like. Thats the problem. So that's the start of my book, hope you like it!



Today is Wednesday ( say wed- nes - day, that's what it should be called.)

        I forgot to mention in the very fist edit that I play my trumpet (band) like a dying cow.(Jenny plays the trumpet too, so I try to sit next to her at band) Nothing happened today, but I geus I can tell you who most of the people in the story are gonna be. Well we already went over George, Bill and Jenny... Okay so theres a guy named... let's call him (thinking of fake names is sooooo hard) Sam. So sam has been my best friend since 3rd grade, so about 3-4 years.

        Sam and I are locker buddies (lockers next to each other) and he helps me out with girls and video games and talking when i'm bored. He's in band, although he plays trombone and I play trumpet so we can't sit together. He's also in my 1st block L.A. calss (in our school at the end of the day we have either Math, L.A., and Science or Social Studies go in and out every other day) and he sits diagonally from me, and in our first block we always have lunch  together,(we can't sit anywhere in the entire luchroom, but we can sit at one table wherever we want, but I wish we could) so we always eat and talk and stuff with each other.. He's probably gonna be one of the main characters, so I thought I'd introduce him.

             That's pretty much it for today, and the first couple days will be like this.


14th (holy crap haven't updated in a while)


         This has been a long weekend. It seems like it's been about 5 days of mindlessly playing city siege 2, even though its been a day of that and then some other stuff like trumpet practicing, pondering major life descions, and video chatting. So theres a new guy in the story! His name shall be (i'm lazy today so I looked up popular boy names) Lewis. O.K. so Lewis was kind of helping me with that note to Jenny, but turns out Lewis has handwriting like a zero-tolerance machine. So I said i'd pay him a buck if he gets it done by Tuesday, so I sent him a Google Doc with a one and a half page note.

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