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𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐄. Sure he had gone on a field trip, got bitten by a radioactive spider, become a vigilante, recruited by the Tony Stark, fought the rouge Avengers, had a warehouse fall on top of him, been to Titan, turned into dust and quite literally...died. Although, right now he wished he would have stayed at home before his field trip to Oscorp. But then again, Parker luck is a bitch.

A grunt left his lips as he struggled to sit up. A voice pierced through his ears like a knife stab, giving birth to a massive migraine. "No no no no. You are not sitting up, young man." It was an unfamiliar voice yet it held such warmth, more than anything Peter was used to.

"Whir mi aye?" His words came out as confused slurs of speech. It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the lights surrounding him. He noticed he was on an expensive hospital bed- far more costly than what he could afford. IV was plugged into him along with numerous other devices. His heart monitor was beeping in a rhythmic stance adding to the aesthetic of the room. "Steady." A woman with long brown mane smiled at him as she helped him sit up, propping pillows behind his back.

"You, Peter are in the private medical suite of Tony Stark. In other words, the private ward in a hospital." She answered as she checked his vitals and jotted them down on her clipboard. "How are you feeling?" She inquired. The boy in question shuffled uncomfortably before opening his mouth to answer. "Weird. My head feels like it's been hit multiple times by Thor's hammer. My body feels numb like I've been asleep for a year." He whispered.

"That's because you have been asleep for a year" The doctor deadpanned. Not waiting for the incredulous look on Peter's face, she continued. "I'm Sarah Jade. I've been assigned as your doctor while you were in coma. You took a hard hit, kid. I mean you did die. We had to perform defibrillation on you and bring you back. You went into a phase of toxic metabolic encephalopathy. That was some car crash."

Shock was an understatement of what Peter felt. He had been in a coma?! That too for a whole year?! What about school? Would he have to repeat the year?! What happened to Ned and MJ?! What should he have for lunch-

The door to his room burst open leaving a ringing sound in his ears. He lost his train of thoughts as someone engulfed him in their embrace. He soon realized who it was. Tony fucking Stark! "H-hi Mr. Stark." The adult didn't pay attention instead enjoyed the feeling of getting his son back. "Uh- what- what happened?" The curly haired high schooler asked.

Finally Tony pulled away and Peter saw someone else was in the room. "Doctor Banner! I- it's an honor to meet you. I've read all your works about gamma research. They're so cool!" He stated hastily. Sure he had wanted to meet Bruce but lying in a hospital bed was not exactly where Peter imagined their meeting to be. "You understood those?! That's- that's amazing. But back to you, how are you?" By this time, Dr. Jade had already taken her leave. "Pretty okay." Peter replied sheepishly.

"Don't fool around, underoos, you almost died." The billionaire spoke for the first time. "I- uh-" Peter tried to lift his right arm only to feel the numbness. "What the-" He removed the sheets off his body to reveal a sight that he never imagined. He let out a horrified gasp. The place where his arm was supposed to be was now a charred mound of flesh. Tears welled his eyes at the sight of his disability.

"Hey, it's okay, you will be fine." Tony tried to sooth him. But Peter turned to the superheroes. "What happened to my arm?!" He was aware of what happened but somewhere in his mind he was still in denial. "When you- when you snapped your fingers, the increased gamma spread through your body like wildfire. The damage was done and it was irreversible. So the only option was amputation." Bruce confirmed his thoughts. 'So now I don't have arm?!' Peter thought to himself.

"But-" Tony drawled the word before continuing, "A message was sent to Wakanda and as soon as we send them your measurements, they will start working on a prosthetic arm for you. T'Challa's sister Shuri has promised to make it for you as a gift for your bravery from Wakanda." Tony said to Peter so that the teen would not freak to much.

"Woah- seriously?! That's so cool! I can be like Bucky! But there will be problems ofcourse. I can't wait to show it off to aunt may. Although she will indefinitely kill me. And I would need to adjust to it. But a vibranium prosthetic arm designed by the princess of Wakanda. That's beyond cool! I-" he realized he had rambled again and stopped himself. Both the adults were smiling. Tony, because he knew his kid was back. And Bruce, because this kid was the most precious thing, just like Tony said he was. "I'm sorry. It's a habit." Peter said, embarrassed.

"It's no big deal. And yeah this is pretty cool." Stark smiled. But realization struck Peter and ge voiced his thoughts, "Speaking of, where is Aunt May?" At this, the smiles dropped from their faces. Peter obviously noticed and furrowed his eyebrows. "What is it?" Tony took in a sharp intake of air and stammered in his speech. "Well- uh-" he was cut off by an impatient teen. "Well? Didn't she come to see me?"

"No no no no, Pete, May did come to see you. But seeing you like that, she couldn't take it. You see when we first got the news that you had slipped into coma, the doc informed us that chances are you wouldn't wake up. May took it hard. You were her last family and she couldn't lose you. She had a stroke. Turn out she was suffering from chronic CVD. She passed away a couple months ago." Tony said with a sympathetic gaze. Peter had gone through so much. He didn't deserve to be put through this but the sooner he knew, the better.

Peter's world slipped away from beneath his feet. He had already lost his parents and his uncle. Now May too. He was alone. Again. Ben had always been his pillar of support and after him, May was the only one he had. The moments they shared flashed through his memories. All the Larb dinner nights, them cooking together and May managing to burn instant food, May getting him ready for Homecoming, her finding about him Spider-manning and lecturing him to oblivion before hugging him and saying that he indeed was hero, Peter or Spiderman both were her heroes. Everything just gone. And now he had to suffer. May had died because of him. Ben lost his life because of him. It was true, he thought, maybe he was a disappointment and a curse afterall.


Hello marvelous human beings. I know I know, this was a late update. But at the beginning this will have a slow plotline which I'm have a difficulty figuring out. But y'all enjoy reading, I'll not bore you with the BTS(behind the scenes, not the band😅). Anyways see you in the next chapter.

P.s I'm sorry for killing May. I promise I love her. But it was crucial to the plotline.

Now the MMOTD :

Now the MMOTD :

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Relatable? 😩

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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