Part 5

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'Are you sure your okey with this? We just met.' You say shyly. Narcissa smirks a bit and giggles.

'Well, you know what they say, you can't begin fast enough with something.' She says laughing but you get a bit uncomfortable and she noticed.

'Woah woah, no, I mean, sure...but not yet.' You say fast feeling your head turning into a tomato.

'Haha, I didn't mean 'that' but if you want to, am in!' She says smiling

'Omg, this woman really wants me doesn't she?'

'Just, not now, maybe later, when I trust you more...' you say blushing. Narcissa raises an eyebrow and gives you a dirty look with a big smirk.

'No, no, I mean, I trust you but uhm...' you say getting really uncomfortable.

'Oh god...'

'Hey, it's okey, I get it, if your not ready it is okey, I just don't want to push you over the edge, do you understand me?' She says with a caring smile.

'Yes, yes I understand, thank you...' You say looking into her eyes.' But...' you say smirking.


'You can do some stuff I don't mind without going to far.' You say smiling.

'Oooh, and what is that my darling?' She says looking deep into your eyes like she can read your mind.

'Well, tell me what you would like going with me without seeing me naked already, am not ready for that yet.' You say smiling.

'Uhmm, let me think.' She says smirking and looking around the room.' Can I touch your hips?'


'Can I touch your shoulders?'

'Yes of course.' You say laughing.

'Just asking.' She laughs.' Can I touch your butt?'

You get a bit red and she notices, and she blushes a bit to but you say.' Yes, you can.'

'Welk okey then, I think we got it here, or you want me to touch you down there but that is your choice, same as your breast's.' She says caring and loving.

For a hot second you look down and think about it, you want it but you also find it scary.

'Okey, only on one need to warn me when you want to do that, please...' you say worried.

'If you want that, I will, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.' She says smiling and puts a hand on your leg.

'And what about you? Can I touch you?' You say a little nervous.

'Yes of course you can, I personally have no limits, only, please don't do it in frond of Lucius or Draco, and Bella.' She begs.

'Alright alright, I will try...'

She looks at you and raises an eyebrow.

'Yes, yes, I promise!' You say laughing.

'You better.' She says laughing and hugs you from the side.

'Still, it feels weird, you know, I mean, I know you for maybe 4 hours in total and we already kissed.' You say blushing

'Don't worry about that darling, don't think about that, if you want it this way it is okey, trust me.' She says striking a hand through your hear.

'I trust you.' You say.' But what was that with Lucius by the way?' You ask as you pull away.

'Oh, he and the other death eaters will be away for three days, some sort of mission or something, the dark lord didn't want any woman with him, so only you me and Bella are here for the next three days.' She says, you can see she turns a bit away, like she is scared to talk about it.

'Narcissa, are you a death eater?' You say worried looking at her, you may be one, but you have never seen her sign.

'No, I am not, and I will never be.' She says taking a deep breath.

'Do you want to be?' You ask her

'I- Oh, I got something to show you.' She says quick.

'Narcissa...please.' You beg her, your worried.

'What?' She asks like the whole conversation never happend.

'Show me your wrists.' You ask slowly but with respect.

'Why?' She says getting tears in her eyes.

'Narcissa, show me your wrists, now!' You say more angry as you stand up, she is a little bit taller but not much.

'N-no.' She says while a tear rolls down.

Before she can do something you grab her right hand and pull up her sleeve: nothing. You let her hand go and want to grab the other one but she pulls away.

'What the hell is wrong with you?!' She screams.

You manage to grab her hand just by the lip of her fingers and puls up her sleeve, there is no dark mark but...

'Narcissa...why?' You say as tears fall down your face and she quickly puls her sleeve down again.

'Because I don't want to live anymore okey y/n, happy now? You are so curious, you want to know every single thing of me and when I want to keep something for myself you insist to know it, why are you like this?! She yells raising her voice.

She throws her hands up in the air to back away some hairs out of her flinch, slightly, but it was big enough for her to see.

'Y/, Sorry, I didn't mean-.' She says when she takes a step forward but you take some steps back, your frightened.

You are shaking and your breathing is loud, tears roll down your face.

'No, your right Narcissa, your always right, right?' You say with a shake in your voice.

'Why did you flinch dear?' She asks slowly not to scare you

'Don't 'dear' me Narcissa, I get it, if you don't want me you could have said that from the beginning.' You say crying, hurt and a bit angry

'Y/n, don't say that, I 'dear' You because I care for you okey...I want you, I need you...' she says also crying

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