Storage closet **

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You groaned holding out your short skirt "I'm so sorry hun you'll just have to wear it today and i'll buy you a new one on the weekend" "It's okay Mum i'll wear it".

You were a good girl and everyone knew that, you had perfect grades, perfect attendance and you haven't even had a boyfriend yet so losing your virginity wasn't a thought that crossed your mind often. You also wasn't a complete nerd everyone knew you could throw a punch if you wanted to or cuss someone out if you didn't appreciate the way they were talking to you.

Your Mum had put your skirt in the wash and it shrunk... a lot, most of the girls in your school would roll up there skirt but you weren't like that.

You had no other choice then to just wear it so you put on your uniform, looked in the mirror, fixed your hair and headed to school.

You arrived at school and checked your phone "shit" you whispered, your ten minutes late, you walked through the halls and finally got to class. "Y/N your 15 minutes late what happened ?!" " Sorry sir i just lost track of time" " it's fine just get to your desk". You walked to the back of your room and felt people staring but already knew that was going to happen, you sat down at you seat and turned your head and rolled your eyes when you realise who's in the class. Timothée Chalamet, why is he even in this class, he's a junior and i'm a freshman.

He smirked at me when he saw i was looking at him,
i rolled my eyes and drew my attention back to the lesson.
Finally the lesson is over "Okay lunchtime everyone you can all leave" " Wait y/n and Timothée have to stay behind you haven't completed the homework" you sat back in your chair disappointed in yourself. You haven't done the english homework and conveniently neither has Timothée.

The silence was loud all you could hear was Timothée clicking his pen, it was getting irritating. "Can you stop!!" you whispered/shouted "No need to get angry y/n" "okay but it's annoying" He stopped. You were getting sick and tired of the noises he was making and you didn't care if you got a longer detention, so you stood up and grabbed your bag, as you walked you felt his eyes glaring down at your skirt, " Y/n" he said "what" you replied in a angry tone "nevermind... wait i'm coming with you" " oh okay then". He followed you out the door and into the hallway " hey baby your skirt is looking a bit short today" " fuck off Peter" you said (Peter is sum basic white boy at your skl) you pushed him out of the way but he came closer , Timothée came in between you two " hey leave her alone" he said angrily and shoved him out of the way.

This is weird Timothée is acting like your own personal bodyguard and why are all these boys hitting on me, I mean the answer is kinda obviously but it's just a skirt.

4th period, school is nearly over, you walk over to your locker and get out your books "Hey y/n😏" you shut your locker door and to your surprise find Noah standing there, (another basic white boy) all the girls where after him for some reason it's not his face so it's probably his dick. "What do you want Noah" He leans into your ear and whispers something inaudible to everyone else "Are you asking me out 🙄" you sighed and looked over and saw Timothée watching you, he looked sad almost jealous.

Finally your last lesson of the day has come you grab your books and make your way to class, suddenly you get pinned to the wall by Timothée, he starts kissing you aggressively, at first it's surprising but you eventually moan into the kiss. He pulls you into the storage closet and pushes you against the wall and starts making out with you slow and passionately, he uses his hands to feel all over your body and slides his hands under your short skirt and touches you where you really need him the most. He rubs you slowly over you panties and you let out small moans, he pushes them to the side and feels your clit, you let out a loud moan a little to loud he uses his other hand and puts it other your mouth. You put his thumb in your mouth  and twirl it around your tongue, he raised his eyebrows slightly not expecting you to do that and also making him desperate for you, he slowly inserts  a finger inside of you. He knew you probably hadn't lost your virginity so he wanted to be slow with you, but you also knew exactly what you were doing and were prepared from all the smut you read when you were younger. You let out a quiet and desperate moan, he looked concerned "Are you ok, does it hurt" " No it's fine just keep on going 😩" he inserts another finger he can tell your reaching your high because of your hips rolling back and forth, you let out a few not so loud moans and cream all over his fingers. He licks it off his fingers which made you a bit disgusted but also turned you on and left you wanting more. He gives you a quick kiss and pulls you out of the closet by the time you came out the day had already ended so he took you back to his house and conveniently his parents weren't home. All he said was "we'll finish this later".

Hope you enjoyed 🥰
i tried to make it as American as i could since i'm
bri-ish so it's a bit cringy 😁💕

also send me any requests i'll do pretty much anything <33

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