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"Y/nnnnn !!!" He called out,

"Whats wrong !!" You turned around in bed and sat up and faced him.

You shook him, he was still sleeping, maybe a bad dream?

"Timmy ... timmy!!"

"What !!" He woke up with a worried expression.

"You were shouting my name?"

His face turned red,

"I-i um"

"Ooh I see.... you was dreaming huh?" You smirked.

"Uh never mind.. I'm .. gonna go back to sleep" he turned away from you and covered himself with the blanket.

You turned over to timmy and kissed below his jaw, noticing his erection you pulled the blanket away and straddled his lap so you were on top of him.

You came up close to his face.

"you gonna tell me about your dream or not ?"

He shook his head with his lips shut tightly, you sighed as your finger played with the hem of his boxers still on top of him staring down.

He giggled nervously.

"Maybe... it something like this ?" you asked.

He harshly squeezed your thighs, leant up on his elbows and pecked your lips, licking the bottom slowly until his tongue reached the opening of your mouth.

He pushed in with his tongue as yours connects with his.

You passionately make out, he whines and moans his hardness grazing on your soft spot.

Caressing his balmy sweaty skin, sucking at his neck.

You find the hem of his boxers, a familiar, intimate place, tugging them down ever so gently revealing a web of pre-cum stretching down when you pulled.

It disgusted you.

You bent down and licked the sweet web, twirling your finger softly around his tip his hips bucked slightly falling flat on the bed.

"hmm... you like this?"

"y/n please .... please don't tease me"

You sighed, and carried on.

"y/n y/n please"

Licking one big stripe from the base to the tip he let out a soft whine, you let your hand work it's magic.

"It makes me happy when i can pleasure you, feel better now ?"

"m-much better"

You switched back to your mouth taking him whole he leant back up on his elbow the other arm pushing your head up and down when he needed it.

"y/n baby please don't stop"

Obeying for once you continued to keep bobbing your head.

He moaned and moaned,

"oh fuck"

You picked up the pace, so does his hand pushing on your head.

You lifted your head and carried on with your hand focusing on his tip.

"is this better than your dream?"

"Mhm" he moaned while nodding his head.

You kissed his lips, he whined touching your body with his hands.

You continued with your mouth again.

"im so close!"

Pushing your head down faster and faster

"i-i'm gonna come"

His breathing sped up, he whined and came in your mouth, you swallowed it all.

You crawled up to his chest and lay there on top of him.

"Thank you princess"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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