Sir **

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You groan, turning off the alarm and forcing yourself to get up and get ready for the day at your shitty workplace.

You your brush out your hair, smooth out your short mini skirt and button up your blouse.

You constantly contemplate quitting but always brush the thought away since you need this job.

You look down at your watch 8:55 your actually 5 minutes early but is never good enough for Mr Chalamet.

You make you way in and head to your office and set up the computer.

Your job isn't that hard all you have to do is schedule appointments, answer the phone and respond to emails so it can quickly get boring.

*ring ring ring*

You pick up the phone.

"Hello?" you say politely your face drops and you roll your eyes.

It's your boss, you step out of your office and make your way over to his.

*knock knock*

"come in" he looks up from his computer with a frustrated face, you open the door he gestures you to come over, you calmly walked over trying not to frustrate him further.

You slightly stand behind his chair and bend down so your eyes are level with his computer he tells you to print out some stuff in this document.

* he points to it with his finger*

He looks up at you to make sure you understand and glances at your ass and your short skirt that has risen up slightly you notice this and lock eyes for a spilt second

"Right now get on with it" he says with a annoyed voice.

You quickly walked out of the room.


You dashed to the printer.

" for fucks sake" you whispered to yourself in annoyance, every two seconds you look down at your watch and stare and the sheets of paper coming out one by one.

You take the small stack of paper to his office and place it on his desk he rolls his eyes

"Why has it taken you ten minutes y/n"

Your bit shocked he used your name but kinda liked it.

"i'm so sorry it was taking ages"

"sure" he said

"Come over here these are the list of clients and you need to answer their emails and also call these back, but you can do that later"

"oh no it's fine i can do it now if you want" you said with a slight chuckle thinking he doubts your abilities.

" if i want ?" he says with a deep voice, you nod

"because you do everything i want right?"

"well yeah you are my bos-" he puts his finger over his mouth

"shhh" he whispers.

He gets up from his chair and stands in front of his desk facing you

"get on your knees"
you slowly get on your knees in front of him, he swiftly removes his belt and chucks it on the floor, unbuttons his trousers, he pulls out his thick cock from his briefs and starts to pump himself.

You stare, still can't believe your doing this,

"how bad do you want my cock angel" he asks  seductively , you slowly getting wetter and wetter.

"so bad" you whimper .

You lean in and wrap your hands around him and gently lick the tip slightly sucking at it, he grabs your hair and dips your mouth around his cock he starts to moan quietly

"Mhm fuck, my pretty little whore" you start to get quicker occasionally paying special attention to his tip which made him moan and uncontrollably.

His moans turn you on which makes you pickup speed.

You had sucked a lot of cock especially in your college days so you were pretty experienced.

You would do anything for Mr Chalamet to start treating you better but it's not like your not enjoying it.

You would hook up with guys but they would never live up to your standards except for now Mr Chalamet had made you the most wet you had ever been and the most turned on.

You hear his breathing getting faster which tells you he's near his high

"Fuck fuck i'm gonna c-" He lets out a loud moan as you feel his liquids shoot up into your mouth you swallow it and lift your head up as his throbbing cock falls out of your mouth you look up with his cum dripping around your mouth he wipes it with his thumb.

You stand up slowly and gaze at the hot and bothered man standing in front of you, this makes you a little proud inside.

He pulls up his trousers, puts his hands on your waist and pulls your body close to his and held you chin with his big hand.

"you still have work to catch up on" you stare

"oh right" you laugh nervously

You left the room still can't believing what happened.

Mr Chalamet sometimes treated you nicer it made you think better of him even though he was always strict you still knew you had a soft spot for him.

TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET SMUT & FLUFFWhere stories live. Discover now