Chapter Eleven: Breathe... Or Don't.

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     There's only so much that therapy can do for youA little breathe in, breathe out..  The rest is up to you.

     After days of waiting out the storm, I was tired of hiding away in Mark's apartment.  My fingers itched to pick up a paintbrush, and not just scribble doodles with a pen.  I wanted to let all the crazy out in a healthy way.  But Mark was a little hesitant.  He didn't want me going anywhere alone.

     "I want to go to that crafty store downtown.  I need new paints, I'm almost out of my favorite colors.  We've needed to go out and do something anyway being cooped up all week.  I wanna get lunch and have fun again.  The sunshine will be good for both of us."  I smiled hopefully at Mark, trying to coax him from his computer.

     "Okay, okay.."  He sighed.  "I need to record at least one more video for tomorrow, then we can go have a day for just us.  Can you wait that long?"  He smiled lovingly, but his tired eyes revealed sleepless nights and busy days.  I walked over to him to gently run my fingers through his thick hair.

     "Of course I can wait.  Just..  Don't overwork yourself, Mark.  Please."  I kissed his forehead.  "For me."  He smiled.

     "Anything for you," he purred.  "Also that feels amazing."  I massaged his scalp with my fingers, and he let out an exaggerated moan.  I laughed at that, and wrapped him in a hug.

     "Ill be ready when you get done, I just need to get dressed," I giggled.  Mark pulled me into a quick kiss and nodded.

     "Alright, love.  I'll be quick."

     As I gently closed the door to his recording room, I could hear Mark clear his throat and go into his usual intro.  I smiled to myself and made my way to the kitchen to make myself a snack.  After a bit of lying around and scrolling through tumblr on my phone, I thought it was about time to get dressed.  My laundry was still in the dryer over at my place from when I left in such a hurry, and the clothes in the bag I packed had all been worn twice, so I would need to go over there if I wanted to wear something a little more fresh.  Which I did.

     The police didn't have the man power to keep someone in my hall at all times, but they assured me my apartment complex was being monitored.  Either way, my keychain had a convenient little can of mace attached, so I didn't worry too much.

    I crossed into my apartment and realized how dusty it had gotten.  It had only been a week, but the air felt so stale.  The feeling put me on edge, so I quickly sorted through my laundry for a decent outfit and changed.  Before leaving, I wanted to see which paints needed restocking.  I headed for my art closet looking for paint, but upon entering my bedroom, I found something else entirely.  Beer cans littered the floor, cigarettes were put out on the windowsill, and it was obvious that someone had slept in my bed.  I was shocked.  Who..?  But it has to be... How long has this been going onA thought sent chills down my spine.  When will he get back?  A million thoughts raced through my mind, and it took all my focus to keep from screaming at the top of my lungs.  This couldn't be happening.  I'm dreamingI'm dreamingI have to be dreamingJust as I was about to turn and bolt from my apartment, I heard a jostling from the front door.  Someone was coming in.


So it's short, but I'm working hard on the next partDon't worry my babies, it's coming along asapBut for now, enjoy the suspense!  Thank you all for the views and comments and votes and junk.  See you in the next update~

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