Chapter Twelve: Hold Your Breath

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     Shit. Shit shit shit shit-
     I needed to hide.  There was no way I could sneak past him through the living room, and jumping out the window would probably kill me from four stories up.  I looked around my room, frantically searching for a decent hiding spot.  In my panic, I pulled the sliding door to my closet as silently as possible and climbed in, closing the door behind me.  I leaned back against the wall, bringing all my jackets and dresses in front of me and nestled between boxes.  In my shuffle, I had lost track of where the intruder was.  I held my breath, sitting as still as possible to listen for footsteps.

     When noise finally came, it was rustling from the kitchen.  Thank God...  My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to figure a way out of this unharmed.  I needed to get help, and to figure out how to get ahold of Mark..  My phone!  I slowly pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned it on silent.  The brightness made me nervous about being found, so I put it as low as it went.  I decided that I'd probably only get away with one phone call, so it would have to be to 911.  I could text Mark and he would understand.  So I hastily typed out my message.

     [To: Markimoo

     Someone's in my apartment and I think it's Lee. I'm hiding in the closet bout to call the cops. But don't burst in here, wait for help. He could have a weapon or be tweaking on drugs or something.]

     Fear welled up inside me, and I bit my lip to keep it from trembling.

     [And Mark, if anything happens.. Just know that I love you. I love you so, so very much.]

     SentOkay, now for the tricky part..

     I listened for any signs of movement.  There were footsteps, followed by a door opening and closing nearby... Water running..?  OhThe bathroom!  I seized the opportunity and dialed 911.  Ringing. Ringing...

     "Hello, 911, what is your emergency?" A woman's voice came from the other end, louder than I expected.  I jumped at the sound and instinctively turned the volume down.

     "Hello," I squeaked.  "My name is Harleen Harte.  I'm.. I'm trapped in my apartment.  There's someone in here; they've broken in and I think it might be my ex boyfriend."

     "Okay, I need you to stay calm," she replied.  "Can you tell me your address, ma'am?  Stay on the line with me, honey."  I relayed her my address and listened intently as the toilet flushed.  My heart stopped.

     "I dunno how much time I have to talk," I whispered.  My voice shook with fear.  The adrenaline in my system was starting to take its toll.  Footsteps sounded in the hall.

     "Responders are on their way.  Are you in a safe place?"  The operator clicked away at her keyboard.

     "I think so, yeah."  I peered through the small crack in the doorway and tried to watch for movement.

     "The police are on your street already, just hold on, honey."  My bedroom door swung open.

     "Oh, God..." I whispered.

     "Hello?  Ma'am, are you still there?"  Lee entered the room looking severely irritated.  He forced the window up in one movement, making a loud bang sound through the room. He sat on the bed and ran his hands through his messy brown hair, letting out an agitated sigh.  I forced myself to reply.

     "He's.. He's in the room.."  I leaned forward to get a better view.  He was struggling to light a cigarette.  It looked like his hands were shaking.

     "Ma'am, I need you to stay still and be silent.  Help is almost there." As I tried to see what was happening, a stray shoe teetered off of a box and hit the closet door, making a slight thud.  I froze, watching intently as Lee did the same.  He turned his head slowly toward the noise and stood up.  I tried to stifle a scream, a mere whimper escaping my lips in stead.

     "Oh, God, please help me."


You Can Trust Me - A Markiplier FanficWhere stories live. Discover now