Jayden's Diary: Pt 4

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Laying In This Bed Thinking To Myself

*if he loves me why is it so hard for him to show it,.. Was his past with his ex that bad... If so, he's gonna have to cut this stupid shit out because I'm gonna snap if something doesn't give... (Sigh) I swear... Sometimes I think giving him space is... Letting us both vent.. And carry on with this relationship, because at this moment I kinda think he's lying about how he feels but that it's hard to believe... He's never actually done anything to give me that signal... Maybe I'm the issue... *turns over to look at him... He's awake*

Dwayne: I thought you were asleep

Me: no

Dwayne: what's wrong with you

Me: nothing

Dwayne: yes it is*climbs on top of me*tell me!.. Now

Me: Dwayne please... It's nothing I'm just still sleepy

Dwayne: just go to sleep!

Me: I can't... I'm not physically tired

Dwayne: what you mean?.. What's going on ?

Me: nothing I'm just thinking about the conversation we had

Dwayne: boy let it go I love you okay now stop over thinking everything before you say something stupid then I'd have to tap that ass

Me:*laughs* how about you give me a full body massage and I'll do you a favor later

Dwayne: a favor ?! what kind of favor

Me:don't trip, you'll see

Dwayne: I'm not with it then

Me:*laughs* why?.. Because I won't tell you

Dwayne: yep

Me:*laughs* you'll get over it

Dwayne: can I have a kiss

Me: you can kiss something else

Dwayne: ooh! So your ready now ?

Me:*laughs* nah but that doesn't mean I can't tease you

Dwayne: why would you do such a thing

Me: just to get a reaction

Dwayne: petty ass *climbs off of me*

Me:*laughs* what's wrong ?

Dwayne: ain't nothing wrong I'm cool

Me:*laughs* then why you got that salty look on your face

Dwayne:*laughs* shut up

Me:*laughs* feeling salty huh?!?

Dwayne: man it is what it is

Me: yeah you salty

Dwayne: so what's up with you and Audrey?.. Why y'all don't like each other

Me: i don't even wanna talk about her right now... I'll just say she back stabbed me and we fell out

Dwayne: oh... Why y'all into it now

Me: I don't give a fuck really...but Is that what she's telling people ?!

Dwayne: nah that's what I'm hearing

Me: so you believe that ?

Dwayne: I don't know that's why I'm asking

Me: she's just too much... She does too much... The bitch is just extra as hell for me

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