Jayden's Diary: Pt 7

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We're On Our Way To Grab A Bite

And Guess Who We Run Into... This Annoying Guy Named Anthony He Was At The Same Place Dwayne Wanted To Go.. But Um He's a Heavy Set Kinda Of Guy, Kinda Feminine, Flamboyant As Hell... Dwayne Hates Him Because He's Always In My Face Bothering Me But I Know Well Enough He's Only Kidding, Dwayne Just Hated The Fact He Could Make Me Laugh By Being Goody But Sometimes He Could Really Get Annoying... As We're Walking In this Nigga Must've Noticed Is Because He Hops Up And Got Loud And Shit I Turn My Head So Fast Because Anthony Has A Really Really Deep Voice That Bounce Off Walls When He Rises It So Just Imagine That.. Go Ahead Because That Nigga Loud As Hell.... That Man Was So Loud I Was So High I Couldn't Help But Laugh,.. I Tried So Hard Not To Laugh But With Around It Wasn't The Easiest Task But What's Even Funnier Is Dwayne Tried Ignoring Anthony And Anthony Just Kept Being Annoying... We Take Our Seats And The Waitress Asked What We'd Like We Gave Her Our Orders And She Walks Away With The Orders On Her Piece Of Paper

Dwayne: Ugh... It's sad enough we gotta deal with him at school now while we're on a date, come on man


Dwayne: it's like he be stalking us... Mainly you thou he better fall back because I don't like that shit... that shit is just so irritating


Dwayne: fuck that we're taking this to go

Me: Bae he's no threat, he's just funny and annoying at the same time

Dwayne: man shut yo ass up you're still high

Me:*ctfu* Dwayne... Dwayne... That's y u mad !

Dwayne:*laughs* dude hush *covers my mouth*


Moments Later...

Dwayne: chill jay

Me:okay*putting my hand between his inner thighs*


Me: *acting as if nothing happening, getting closer and closer and...

Dwayne:*grabs my wrist* uh uh not here

Me:*laughs then gets sexually serious* right now... On the table... *laughs*come on*feeling on him again*

Dwayne: Bae chill we're in a restaurant

Me: I don't give a fuck if we were out in Disney Land at the Magic Kingdom we fucking,

Dwayne: *laughs* oh my goodness, you funny as hell


As we're having a moment

Anthony Decides To Bring His Date And Sit With Us...Dwayne Instantly Gets Mad

Anthony: Hi Jaekwon & Dwayne What Y'all Doing Here !

Me: We're Just Getting Something To Eat Is All Then We'll Be Leaving

Dwayne: Yeah That's It That's All

Waitress: Here's Your Order

Me: Oh Could We Have That To Go Please, Thank You

Dwayne: we should've told her that ahead of time

Anthony: Dayum why y'all tryna leave so fast y'all just got here

Me: yeeaaah, what he said *laughs*

Dwayne: really jay.. *stares me down* We have stuff to do we just came up here to get something to eat

Anthony: that's not what it looks like to me..

Me: what could you possibly mean*laughs*

Dwayne: well it's none of your business anyway....

Me:*laughs* don't mind him, he's just isn't himself today

Anthony: he's never himself when I come around

Dwayne: please, spare me

Waitress: Here's Your Order To Go, have a nice day*walks away*

Anthony: Dwayne You do to much for real !

Dwayne: Come On Jay Let's Go

Me: okay *laughs* bye Anthony

Anthony: bye Jay

Dwayne Low key Wanted To Whack His Ass... That Wasn't The First Time Those 2 Bumped Heads... One time when we were at school, I was coming from my 4 period gym class and Anthony kept playing so when the bell rung he chased me down the hall,.. I know he wasn't chasing me to hit me, he did it to make me run because I got cakes for days.. It wasn't like he touched me, he only looked and that was it, plus Anthony wasn't on much I thought he was a lame.. Anyways Dwayne comes out of class watching him chase me and y'all know what he was thinking*this bitch think he slick, making him run just to see that ass jump, I want him to give me a reason to whoop his ass.... Fuck that jay knows what he doing I should snap on his ass...*

Dwayne: Jay, check it out

Me:*out of breath, laughing & smiling hard as hell,.. By the way I was happy to see Dwayne* what's up

Dwayne: what the fuck was that shit

Me: he was playing too much, that's a big ass nigga, I told him I quit but he wouldn't listen*laughs* that big bitch can run,... *catching my breath*

Dwayne: I don't like this shit I'm Finna confront him

Me: for what ? He ain't do shit

Dwayne: nah fuck that

Me:*stopping Dwayne* be cool he was only playing

Dwayne: I'd appreciate it if you stop fucking with him, you know i don't like silver backs

Me: I'm through bye Dwayne, that was so uncalled for

Dwayne: I just don't like him.. bothering you, why he pick you of all the people in the bitch to mess with

Me: calm down, you're getting loud, forget about him he just wants some attention,... See look at him, he's bothering Audrey square booty ass*laughs* now she beating his ass,.. See.. Forget about him,...

Dwayne:*laughs* what class you got next, Art Class right ?

Me: yep, wanna walk me to class

Dwayne: yes!

Me: gimme kiss *laughs* I'm jk

Dwayne: get yo ass up them stairs

Me:*hopping up the stairs*

Dwayne: wait come here

Me: no I gotta go to class and you do to

Dwayne: We got lunch next period, I'll see you there right ?!

Me: yes!.. I'll see you later Dwayne

Dwayne: get in class*laughs* I gotta go I'm gonna be late

Me: dummy....

Anyways, after we left from the restaurant we went back to his brothers. Dwayne unlocks the doors I took the bags in, he closed the doors behind me, i made our plates, brought them to the table we ate and he wanted to watch a movie so I turned on the tv and gave him the remote and washed our plates and silverware

After that, I got tired so I climbed in the bed with Dwayne and laid under him until I went to sleep

To be continued...

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