Wedding Night (Finale)

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Months later, and after a lot of planning, you married Hunter, surrounded by family and friends. Both of you were over the moon with joy, dancing the night away until it was time to head to a hotel for the night, leaving for the honeymoon the next day. You were both exhausted from the excitement of the day, but not ready for the day to end just yet.

Hunter picked you up and carried you into the hotel room, in traditional bridal fashion. He set you down on the floor as you looked at each other happily, not even sure where to begin and laughing at the somewhat awkward pause. "So...we're married," you began, grinning.

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist. "It's so weird to finally say it, but...hi wife."

"Hi husband," you grinned again, hands resting against his chest.

"And what does my wife wanna do now that we're a married couple, all alone?" He asked, smiling mischievously.

"Hmm," you thought, gazing around the room. "We could...jump on that ridiculously large bed like little kids?"

He raised an eyebrow. 'Isn't there a cautionary tale about monkeys jumping on the bed and breaking their heads?"

You rolled your eyes playfully. "Are you telling me my husband is a chicken?"

Hunter feigned being offended, clutching imaginary pearls like an old southern belle. "We've only been married for 3 hours and you've already resorted to name calling? I want a divorce."

You grinned yet again, taking him by the hand and leading him to the bed. You climbed on top, holding out a hand for him to join you, which he reluctantly took. You bent your head slightly, careful to judge how close the ceiling was before jumping. With an eye roll, he joined you, soon breaking into smiles of his own. It was fun, at least until you tripped on your dress and fell to the bed, just catching yourself from slipping onto the floor. You both looked at each in surprise for a brief moment, feeling the initial shock until you both broke into a fit of giggle, Hunter flopping down on the bed beside you.

When your stomachs hurt from laughing, you were finally able to take a breath, the smiles never leaving your faces. You became acutely aware how gross you felt, skin caked with sweat after hours of dancing. You sighed, looking at Hunter happily, mind wandering to how the two of you could end the night. "I think I'm overdue for a shower," you mentioned, and he nodded. You slowly stood up from the bed and headed toward the bathroom, expecting him to follow, but he didn't. "I'm gonna need help getting out of this dress..."

Finally, he got the hint, eagerly following you now. You turned on the water in the shower, making sure it was a good temperature before turning back to Hunter. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss. He cupped your face gently, tongue running over your bottom lip, and you opened your mouth in compliance. His free hand fumbled with the zipper on your dress before pulling it down, the garment pooling on the floor as you stepped out of it. You pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders, tossing it aside before pulling off his tie. Your fingers eagerly focused on undoing the buttons on his dress shirt. He undid your bra as his shirt hit the floor, pulling you flush against his chest. He broke away to kiss down your neck, leaving hickeys in all his favorite spots. "Let's get in the shower," you suggested reaching for his belt.

"Isn't the point of a shower to get clean? This feels pretty dirty," he laughed.

"We can do both," you smiled, undoing his belt and any buttons that stood in your way.

Soon, with both of you fully unclothed, you stepped in the shower, soothing warm water hitting your skin. Hunter kissed you again, tangling a hand in your hair. You reached for the bottle of body wash provided by the hotel, opening it and lathering up your hands. Slowly, you rubbed it into his skin, starting with his shoulders, working down his chest and abdomen. Your fingertips just hovered over his shaft as you got down on your knees, turning your attention to his legs. "Really? You're going to tease me like this on our wedding night?" He whined.

"What?" You grinned. "Don't we have the rest of our lives? What's the rush?" You took your sweet time with his legs before finally taking him in your mouth, and he seemed to sigh in relief. As you bobbed back and forth, he wound his fingers in your hair, a moan echoing off the glass walls of the shower. You kept up the pace for a moment, but all too soon stopped, standing up from the floor to greet a slightly exasperated Hunter.

He kissed you hungrily, pushing you against the wall and causing you to drop the bottle of body wash. His hand traveled along your body, moving between your legs and brushing a slow thumb over your clit. You gasped, breaking the kiss. He kissed your neck as he began rubbing your clit in circles, going faster and faster, almost pushing you over the edge, but stopping just before. You whined this time, and Hunter smirked before kissing you once more.

He slowly pushed his length into you, causing you both to moan aloud. The water from the shower was starting to turn cold, but neither of you seemed to notice as he thrusted in and out of you, hard and fast. You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep steady, slipping with the water. Desperate for release, he picked up the pace even more, quickly sending you both over the edge, holding you steady against the wall.

After catching your breath, you kissed him again, sweeter this time, sighing happily. "Married sex might be the best yet."

You both finished the shower, taking the time to actually get clean and dry off before climbing into bed, cuddling up close for your first night in wedded bliss.

Author's note: Surprise! I did manage to do the final part! I didn't like ending it before I intended to so here we are! I might be tempted to write something else with Hunter because I love him but we'll see! Thanks for reading <3

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