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10th June 2020

It was loud, considering it was dark outside and it was seven at night. The employees had just left after installing all of the cameras in the rooms for the treasure map, and the other dorm members decided to spend time in our dorm for a few hours.

The employees had given me a onesie before they left, for the purpose to help the editors blur me out so it didn't give away too much of who I was, it was actually pretty cute it was a grey cat and it reminded me heavily of Totoro if he was a cat.

When putting it on it was pretty oversized, the crotch going to my knees, it was the style of it but it made me look even smaller than I already was.

Walking out of the bathroom I walk over to sit on the sofa it could squeeze five people on it if you tried and there was a single seat next to it.

There was already five on the sofa, and two sitting on the single chair on top of each other, the others sitting in between their legs or closer to the tv.

Upon seeing me, Yedam got up and sat on Doyoung who let out a breath from the impact he wasn't exactly angelic about it.

Smiling at him I sat in his spot and put my feet down on either side of Jeongwoo. If you came in and looked at us you'd probably think we would be claustrophobic by how everyone was compacted in but it was surprisingly cosy.

It turned out to be a horror movie and I feel bad if anyone had to hear us and our screams throughout the whole movie. I had decided I was best friends with Yedam as most of the movie I held on to him as he crushed Doyoung.


11th June 2020

Gosh was I thirty I felt like I was beached and shrivelling. So, I shuffled to the end looking around the room it seemed like everyone was still sleeping. I almost laughed out loud at their sleeping positions they were all stretched out with their arms and legs all over the place most of their blankets not even on them.

Climbing backwards down the ladder I walked towards the kitchen. I was definitely going to fall down the ladder one day knowing me and especially in the early morning, I kicked myself for not winning the game for the bottom bunk.

Opening the fridge I gulp down some water with my eyes still closed as I pulled down the hood to the onesie more it made me think back to Junkyu's cute koala set.

Dragging myself back to the bedroom I quietly closed the door and went back to my designated spot snuggling up into the blankets and falling asleep.


"Hello everyone, I'm treasure Doyoung."

"And Yedam."

"We're here to wake up the members and give them missions, if they fail they will get the hammer." He said holding up the toy hammer to the camera with an evil smile on his face.

They held the camera up in front of them as they walked into the room where all of them where fast asleep in stretched positions. They laughed and did a spin through the room and the cameras could be seen on the ends of the beds and the corner of the ceiling they really went all out to get the footage even going as far as to put cameras in the hallways and other rooms to get views of Yedam and Doyoung as they entered.

"First we are going to take the pictures for our missions and then wake them up by who is the lightest sleeper." Doyoung spoke in a hushed whisper trying his hardest to not wake any of them up to make the video more interesting.

They started with Junkyu who was difficult since he was laying face to the wall but thankfully on his back so they leaned over him trying not to fall and snapped the photo.

Looking up to the top bunk where Haruto was, Yedam sighed. "This is going to be a lot more challenging then I thought."

Doyoung went up the ladder looking at Haruto who was too facing the wall on his side. "Hyung he's got Airpods in." He smiled, that just made his life so much easier. He turned the camera to himself taking a selfie from the ladder, Yedam using the bottom bunk as a stool to pop up closer next to Haruto and they took the photo.


They did the same going over to Hyunsuk then to Jaehyuk and Jeongwoo silently cursing in their heads from the difficulty with the top bunks. They managed to do it without waking anyone up which was hard to believe but impressive.

"Junghwan-ie is so cute." Yedam said swapping over who held onto the camera and taking another photo of the sleeping boys. "Now for someone people have been waiting for, drum roll... treasure's secret member~" The animations came along with it like the finger drum roll and the jazz hands with the end of the sentence.

"Who could it be~? Who is Junghwan's bunkmate?" Yedam teased while making wiggly eyebrows at the camera, Doyoung silently chucking at his annoying member.

He flipped back the camera and climbed up the wooden ladder showing the member. "You can't see them because of the editing but this is a good spoiler, I did well, right Teume?"

They went to each of them playing games consisting of writing your name with your butt, whistling the tune of  'going crazy' and doing aegyo. They ended up waking up Hyunsuk in the process but members like Haruto and Nao were still sleeping like logs even throughout the sudden bursts of noise maybe that's what happens when you live and share a room with five loud teenage boys.

They woke up Haruto for his game and nearing the end they heard shuffles and movement causing them all the look and turn the cameras towards the cause which was Nao with her oversized onesie stepping down the ladder rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning."

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