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~Time Skip To Night~ (Sorry for all these Time Skips!)

~Your POV~

Well, today was 'fun'. I threw my alarm clock at my window which both ended up broken, I have a very angry mom chasing me and I think that I have glass shards in my feet as my there's a piercing pain in my feet. But at least me and Nejire are having a sleepover! I'm slightly panicking because my mom could find me any second now. It's terrifying but at least I'm with my bestie.  Both of the boys left early because they had some 'unfinished' chores to do. We are in Nejire's bedroom right now. 

"Hey Y/N!" Nejire suddenly said, spooking the heck out of me. "Yes Nejire???" I ask, trying to remain calm. "I want to know more about you!" she told me. Before I could reply, she bombarded me with questions about my life. I mean, gurl why? I answered most of them but Nejire just why??? 

While I was answering them, I could hear her mother's voice saying that the dinner's ready. As we went down stairs, Nejire kept on asking me very annoying questions about my life but I don't mind this. As we ate our homemade cold soba, we talked about random stuff, well it's mainly her who's doing the talking I wasn't paying attention. "So, what do you think?" she asked me. "Huh?" I suddenly said, getting out of the trance. "For the surprise  birthday party for Tamaki!" she replied. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention Nejire." I said softly. "Ah it's ok! I can repeat it!" she quickly said. "So I was thinking of a...(insert Nejire talking about octopuses and takoyaki)... so yeah!" she explained while slurping her soba. "I think that's a excellent idea Nejire!" I exclaimed but not to loudly to annoy the neighbors.

~Time Skip to Game Time~

"So, Y/N, what's your F/F?" Nejire asked me. "I like F/F!" I replied happily (I have no favorite food. Change my mind. I dare you to)  "Nice! Mines chocolate!" (That, I think is what she would like.) "Hey, wanna play truth or dare???" Nejire asked me with a sly grin. "Uhm suree." I replied nervous. "Alright!!!! Truth or Dare Y/N?" She questioned me. "Truth" I replied. "OK! ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH TAMAKI?!" she quickly shouted. "Uh, yes...?" my unsure butt said. "REEEEEEE!" she screeched "YOU TWO ARE MY OTP!!!!" she again screeched. I now regretted saying that. Now Nejire will either tell Tamaki and Mirio or will tease me for it. 

For the whole night, she kept on teasing me for it. It annoyed me but did I care? No. Did I want it to end? No. Even though my bestie may do this to me, I actually like being teased. Well, tomorrow is a Sunday and tomorrow's going to be March the second so, we have two more days to get the supplies with Mirio. Lets hope that nothing can ruin Tamaki's birthday.

Wow this is so short. Anyway, sorry for not updating a lot, I have two fucking tuitions and a whole lot of school work so, there may not be a lot of updates on this book. Also, speaking of which, I may be doing a Q/A book. (If you don't know what that is, it means Question and Answers.) You guys can put down questions in my conversations. Or here as well. 

A/N (L-OLHI) Out!

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