Chapter 28

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I watch Adrian casually lay back on his bed, my eyebrow arching in surprise. "That's it? That's all you're going to do? Is lay down? This is you using the shadows?" I scoff, laying my forehead against the cell bars. There's a chance I'm going to die down here.

"Your lack of patience is unbecoming." His deep voice sticks to my body like an unwanted tick.

"Fuck you." I look up to glare at him, then shrink back in shock. He's standing right outside my cell, face blank. How did he get out so fast? And without me hearing him?

"It's scheduled to happen in the future." His eyes go to the lock on my cell, the corner of his mouth lifting in amusement. Whether it was at the lock or his words I wasn't sure. But I did not like the assured tone he used.

"Nothing in scheduled in my future." I scoff.

His eyes pinch together. "I'm a man Hailey, I have sexual needs. And considering my dragon would kill me if I had sex with another girl, there's definitely something scheduled." My mouth opens on a retort, only to be shocked into silence again. Adrian twist his hands in a circular motion, a rope of shadows following his moves. They twist together in a wispy shape, then dive into the lock. Seconds later I hear a click, then Adrian slides my cell open.

I step out amazed. "Impressive."

He smiles. "After our scheduled sex session I'll be sure to teach you."

My eyes narrow. "Not happening." I start heading for the door, only to hesitate. Something was calling to me up ahead. It felt like a piece of me detached itself and was now somewhere in front of me. "Something is wrong."

"What?" A warm hand grips my waist. "Are you hurt?"

"No I- there's something down here." His grip tightens and he moves until he's in front of me.

"A threat?" Twin clouds of shadows form on either side of us, taking the shape of human form. Warriors ready to strike out at anything. I took a moment to stare, mesmerized. Now that I want to learn. Imagine all the possibilities.

"It doesn't feel like a threat." Whatever was ahead we must pass it to get to the door. "It feels... familiar."

My dragon watches with interest. For a moment she was only watching Adrian, giving me inappropriate ideas to express our gratitude for him freeing us. She was definitely on board with his scheduled sex.

Adrian starts to walk, and I grip the back of his shirt. Good thing he's in front in case I'm wrong about this feeling and it does want to harm us. It'll take him first giving me time to lock myself back in my cell. "You know I can hear your thoughts? Nice to know you view me as a sacrifice." My cheeks heat.

"Stay out of my head." We continue for the door. Two cells from it I stop, peering inside. The feeling is strong here. "Is there someone in there?" My dragon was being a stubborn mule and not lending me her advanced eye sight.

He takes a step toward the cell and I grip his shirt to stop him. Just because I'm willing to use him as a sacrifice doesn't mean I want him to be attacked. "There's a figure huddled in the corner, looks female. Very skinny and dirty." I roll my eyes, was he expecting her to look like a model?

"Should we free her?" Something was screaming at me not to leave her.

"Why?" He's still eyeing the cell, distrust clear in his eyes.

"She's a prisoner like us! Maybe she was kidnapped too." I look in the direction he's staring, yet all I see is darkness. "Mind lending me your eyes?" My dragon huffs, then suddenly I could see what Adrian was looking at. "Oh my." It was indeed a female, naked as the day she was born. Thankfully the amount of dirt on her covered everything.

Her cell pops open, making me jump. Being kidnapped really makes you nervous. Adrian starts walking in but I dart in before him. If we wake her and the first thing she sees is him I'm sure it'll freak her out. "Hailey." He growls but I ignore him, squatting next to the girl. She's covered in bruises, her golden her matted to her head with blood. Adrian was right, she was very skinny. What happened to her? Why was she here? Reaching a hand out to teach her, shadows wrap around my wrist to stop me. "What do you think you're doing?"

I frown. "Checking to see if she's alive." He sighs, moving me to the side. I watch as he reach out to touch her then pause, a frown on his face. He tries again but stop. Was her afraid to touch her because she's dirty? "What's the matter?"

Stepping back he glares at a spot over the girl head. "My dragon won't let me touch her because she's naked." My hand flies to my mouth as a laugh bubbles out. My dragon purrs in satisfaction.

Quietly chuckling I step around him, placing my hand on the girl neck. She flinches awake, head snapping up. Adrian growls, snatching me behind him. Clear pupils stare up at us, the strangest eyes I've ever seen. She scuttle's back with a scream. "Hey, hey, we're not going to hurt you. We're prisoners like you." My eyes widen as I remember we're not in a cell. "Well were." I reach out, my finger tips grazing her arms. A flash of light pass between us, and I shudder. It felt just like when Zander and I exchanged blood.

I moved back, bumping into Adrian's chest. "Hailey? What's wrong?" My eyes go back to the fragile girl. There's no way. But it feels right. And it would explain why I could feel her. But how is she supposed to protect anyone? She's skin and bones. "Hailey."

My eyes drift to Adrian, swallowing nervously. "I think she's one of my guardians."

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