Chapter 33

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I watched Adrian move around the kitchen grabbing ingredients from the refrigerator and pantry. So much random stuff that I had no clue what he was planning to make. And why was he grabbing so much of it? It's only the two of us. "Are you planning to cook for the whole pack house?" I joke.

He stops, hand mid reach for the seasoning he was about to grab. Turning to face me the corner of his mouth lifts, he surveys the things he has gathered on the island. "I was hoping to make a meal fit for a princess." He gives a half shrug, poking fun at my newly aquired status.

I wave my hand towards the spread. "Seems more fit for a king, don't you think?" He grumbles something, slamming the cabinet door close.

"No one ever warned you to never to annoy the person making your food?" Grabbing a cutting board and a knife he picks up one of the juicy tomatoes he brought out.

I snag one of the cheese squares close to me, popping it into my mouth. "What are you going to do? Spit in it? We exchanged a lot more fluids than that last night." I tease, causing myself to blush. His head snaps up at my words, a devilish glint in his eyes.

Shadows appear out of nowhere, one long stream snatches the second cheese square out of my hand before it makes it to my mouth. I watch in amazement as it takes it straight to Adrian, serving it to him. "Ok why have you never taught me how to do that? That's the type of skills I should be learning!"

He throws his head back and laugh. I'm so shocked that I sit there staring open mouthed at him. I don't believe I've ever heard him laugh like this before. He seems so carefree and much chiller this morning. I smirk, good pussy does that to a guy.

"There's people out to kill you and the one skill you request to learn is getting the shadows to feed you?" He asks once his laughter dies down. I shrug.

"I'm just saying you never know if it'll become a life or death skill. " He orders me out the kitchen after that comment. Insisting that I was distracting him.

I grumble all the way to the living room. Upset that I can no longer watch him prepare our food. Flopping on the couch I scan the general area looking for the remote.

After two minutes of not finding it, I decide the ceiling will be my entertainment.

Unfortunately my thoughts go straight to Leah. I felt terrible about how we left things last night. Would she ever be allowed to come back to the shadow clan? This clan is her family, there's no way Adrian expects her to give it all up for one man. Maybe I should try talking to him about it.

"What are you thinking about so hard?" I scream, startled out my thoughts. My hands instantly grip the sheet around me, making sure I'm not giving any side boob.

"Heard enough of that last night." Blake grins, no doubt referring to Adrian and I's activities. Don't blush don't blush don't blush.

"What are you doing here? I thought Adrian got rid of everyone." Crossing my arms I glare at him. I hate being caught off guard. Especially with all the shit happening lately. And when I'm basically naked.

Leaning back in the couch he gets comfortable, placing his feet on the table. "I live here. I'd love to see boss try and kick me out." He says with an air of cockiness.

"Would you now?" He stiffens at the sound of Adrian's voice. I try not to smile. Not so cocky anymore. "He's only here because we have matters to discuss after breakfast." He gives me an aplogetic look.

It's then I notice the plate of food he's holding. Damn that was fast. My dragon purrs at the sight of our mate serving us. She really did act like a spoiled princess.

"What was that?" Blake blinks at me.

"What?" I ask confused.

Adrian snorts. "That was her obsessed dragon." I frown at his words. Then it clicks.

"Oh my, you guys heard that?" Now there's no stopping the blush.

Smirking Adrian holds out the plate to me. "I love the sounds she makes." Blake fake gags next to me.

Ignoring him I greedily take the plate, staring at the feast before me. Eggs, sausage, fruit, cheese, and a side of cream of wheat. I think I've died and gone to heaven. "Thank you."

"And where's my plate?" Blake pouts at him. In answer Adrian growls. Shadows start to wrap around Blake's arms and he streaks in alarm, jumping from the couch. The whole thing is very comical and serves as a great tv alternative.

Adrian sits in the now vacant spot, letting out a long sigh.

"Where's your plate?" I ask around a mouthful of eggs. Who knew something as simple as eggs could taste like a five star steak.

"I didn't have time to make me a portion. I've been alerted that the fire dragons are back. If they ever really left." His face scrunches up in a frown. He must be thinking hard about something.

Feeling bad, I decide to scoop half of everything to the corner of my plate for him to have. I shyly slide the plate over until it's placed between us. He raise an eyebrow at the action.

"You made it, it's only fair you get to eat it too." I try to explain my actions after seconds of him just staring. Nodding he takes a small portion of my offering, eating it in one bite. "Do you have a plan for the fire dragons?" We both knew we needed them in order to keep me safe. But there's so much bad blood between the clans, I don't think it's possible for either of them to put their hatred aside. Not so soon anyways. It'd take time, but time wasn't on our side.

"I'll try to have a civilized conversation with Lucas. If he can't agree to my demands then he's done, out of the picture. Only reason I'm giving him the time of day is because your safety is more important." Finishing off the last of his breakfast, he's relax back against the couch.

Ok seriously, what the hell happened to him in the last twenty four hours? It's like I was dealing with a whole new person. Making me breakfast, making jokes and laughing, and now putting his differences aside for me?

"Are you ok?" I blurt.

He smirks. "You'll be working on some training with Blake while I'm in the meeting."


Nodding he grabs my now empty plate. "I had planned to train you myself." He looks toward the window, seeing something that I couldn't. "But unfortunately I have to deal with a pest problem."

"Pest problem indeed." Both our heads turn to the front door where Zander is standing. In a flash I'm in Adrian's arms, a delayed squeak leaving me. He puts me down at the bottom of the stairs, well out of Zander view.

"Go upstairs and get dressed." He growls, eyes roaming my body. I clutch the sheet to my chest, not bothering to argue with him. There's a small shimmering of shadows emitting from his body. Weird he had no problem with me being around Blake in my sheet dress, but loses his sheet when Zander shows up. "After your training you can join the meeting." I watch him walk away with one thought in my mind. Hate to see you leave, but love to watch you go. I bite my lip, hanging a few seconds longer than I needed to.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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