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the chaos theory - october, 1977

"Pauline! I'm having a crisis!" Dorcas shouted, groaning as she walked through the damp hallways.

Her ears pointed slightly outward from her head, pink from embarrassment. She had on a lavender striped sweater that looked rather itchy, paired with white flared trousers that accentuated her long legs and shorter torso. On her ears, there were milky colored ovals dangling and swinging back and forth as she slowed her stride.

Pauline's ears perked up and she smiled, happy to hear her friend's voice.

There was a small, insignificant leak in the corner of the window. The green lake water was merging with the dungeon, one drop at a time. It didn't necessarily scare Pauline, but the noise echoing from her little corner of the castle was nearly unbearable. 

All the ghost had done that morning was watch the drip, mundane and simple, but it was better than having to hear it in the background of her tasks. 

"Thank God you're here, Dorcas." she stood, taking a deep breath. 

She calmed herself briefly, then furiously pointed at the leak, her face heated with annoyance. "Please, Dorcas, if you have a speck of compassion and caring for you dearest ghost friend, please repair that bloody window." She ground her teeth together, "It's driving me insane!"

Dorcas snorted, pulling out her wand, the runes seemed to glow as she cast a simple repairing charm. The invisible crack mended under the spell, and the dripping ceased to be. Pauline's dusty reflection nearly caught her off guard.

She sighed in relief at the silence.

"You're a saint, Meadowes." Pauline declared, returning to her bench.

Dorcas smiled slightly, plopping down next to her.

"Why are you all dolled up?" Asked Pauline, taking in her curves, her freshly washed face, her hair styled proudly in an afro.

Dorcas lit up like a christmas tree as she was reminded of her reason for visiting. "I have a date tonight in Hogsmeade," She announced proudly, putting her hands on her hips.

Pauline's eyes widened, "Dorcas, that's amazing!" she clapped her hands together, "Who's the lucky guy?" 

Dorcas faltered for a second, taking a small breath in, as if preparing to let Pauline down.

She smiled anyway, "I asked Aurora Sinistra," she says quietly, "I'm taking advanced astronomy with her this year, she comes to all my quidditch matches." She grins to herself, "She said she comes to them just for me,"

Pauline stared at her happily, sighing calmly.

Dorcas doesn't meet her eyes, pursing her lips, "I know that you were born in an... older time, and things that are normal- or at least... I don't know. I was hoping I could talk to you about this, without making you uncomfortable..."

Pauline was confused, but put hand out, shaking her head. "Dorcas, I'm not... prejudiced against that sort of thing. It's not like it's hurting anyone," She said reassuringly. "there's enough hate in the world already."

Dorcas peered up at her with grateful and relieved eyes. She squealed and shook her hands around, relieving some of the built up stress. "Wow, that went better than expected,"

Pauline snorted, "You can talk about girls anytime, believe me, I don't mind in the slightest."

Dorcas turned to her, her brows quirked and her left hand gripping the bench below her. Her legs were swinging below her, not quite able to reach the ground at their length.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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