Hannibal x Reader (smut)

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The cold weather had always been your favorite time of the year. It allowed for warm outfits and an elegant atmosphere the warmth could not provide for you. From your car up to the narrow steps to Dr. Lecter's office, you enjoyed the snowflakes burrowing in your hair.

There was a long door accompanied by a sign to the right that read of the business and owner, Dr. Hannibal Lecter. You let yourself into the waiting room, glad to be indoors but missing the beauty that lay outdoors. Your boots clanked against the hard wood, you wished you had worn your slippers that would have caused less noise. However, these boots make you feel attractive and alluring. Given what you know of Dr. Lecter via Beverly Katz, it's safe to say confidence is desired. There were some chairs around a door, a few paintings on the wall, nothing about this area was particularly engaging. You took a seat and watched the lights reflection on the wood.

You had just barely taken a seat when the door before you swung open with immaculate precision. There was a man stood, tall and slender. He wore a lovely warm brown three piece suit with gold cufflinks that immediately caught your eye. You were surprised by the presumable doctor's good looks. Those sharp cheekbones, flush lips, and tempting maroon eyes were enough to catch your breath for even a moment. They say eyes were the window to ones soul, his were unknown and dark. You wondered if Dr. Lecter saw your eyes the same way. Hopefully your ability at fibbing came at handy for at least in this moment when you tried to make my attraction not evident.

"Miss L/N, you are right on time," his voice called to you, even but welcoming. There was an accent to his voice, you went through different accents in your head but couldn't place the foreign tongue. You stood, offering your right hand out for a handshake.

"I would hate to be rude. Dr. Lecter, correct?" You just wished to reaffirm what you already knew. The good doctor shook your hand, nodded with a grin, and opened the door further to gesture you inwards.

You were amazed the moment you stepped into the office. How large and expansive, for just an office as well. He must live here, to neglect a space like this for day to day living sounds outrageous. Though there appeared to be no doors that would indicate a living space, rather maintenance. You imagined that Belle from Beauty and the Beast would envy you in this moment, to simply be in the presence. There were shelves and shelves of books, many looking old yet loved. Like many old libraries, there was a little ladder leading to the second level of shelves. Deep, rich colored walls and glorious windows. A painting of a woman atop the fire place caught your attention, she was beautiful. There were papers of art you couldn't make out on an elegant desk accompanied by a simple lamp. You wished to see but, in favor of courtesy, didn't.

"I appreciate the concern, Miss L/N. Please, have a seat." That voice called once more, how beautiful and deep it was.

Towards the center of the large room, two very expensive looking leather chairs sat opposite one another. You smiled to the doctor and took a seat, adjusting and placing your bag on the floor beside your chair.

"Call me Y/N, as much as I love the formality I can't say it's necessary here."

Dr. Lecter looked surprised for a moment but nevertheless sat opposite you, his face intently looking upon yours. "If you wish it to be, I can happily oblige."

There was a tint of warmth that flushed your cheeks. "I have always fancied the more sophisticated, wealthy lifestyle - despite not having it. Being referred to as my last name only reinforces the fantasy, I suppose." You wished to deflect the conversation, embarrassed at your secret being revealed. It was always something you hated about yourself. "I noticed your accent when I came in, though I couldn't recognize it. Where are you from, Dr. Lecter?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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