Chapter 6 - Mysterious Boy

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Boker Tov, Rex.” I greeted my friend as she answered my phone call. (Translation: Good morning, Rex.)

I wanted to annoy her because it was fun, and it worked. “Boker Tov to you, Erev Tov to me.” she said, and I didn't miss the slight annoyance in her voice. (T: Good morning to you, Good evening to me.)

I giggled, rolling over my stomach. I opened my mouth to respond to that but she was quicker. “Hey, it's only 7:00am there, isn't it? And you're not an early bird. What made you get up early?” she inquired suspiciously.

Yep, that's the reason I called her; I couldn't sleep. Not because I have any insomnia but because of that boy; the boy I saw in the worship session yesterday. I wanted to know who he is because he has left me with these feelings I couldn't manage and to know about him, there's only one possible person who could help me and keep this as a secret at the same time; Rekenzel.

“Where are you now?” I asked her.

“In our community, why?” she asked.

At this moment, I don't want anything more than being in our community with her. You miss her? Yes. You miss your community in Jerusalem? Yes. But the big deal was, I could've met this mysterious boy if I were there. When on Earth did I agreed with my parents to move our trip to December for Christmas? If I had disagreed, I know we would've been there now. And here I am, regretting this as badly as I could.

“Oh, it's nothing, I just asked.” I lied, nervously. Should I really tell this to her? Would she count me silly than I already am?

“Really? I thought you wanted to tell me some secret.” she said casually. “And, you didn't answer my question yet, what made you wake up early today?”

Stubborn head. She wouldn't let it go; and that leaves me no choice than being trapped to spit out everything. She's not somebody who'll let you go once you make her suspicious about something, until you tell her the matter. But on the same hand, she was gentle and loving, who cares for all she loves and moreover, my crime partner. That's the reason I decided to seek her help out of all others I know in Israel. My brother might know this mysterious boy but I can't risk asking him.

I took a deep breath, “I need your help.” I said, “But it's not as you think it is; it's easy, non-risking but might sound silly.” I bit my lip.

“Does that matter? Tell me what help you need; you know I'll do it for you.” she said.

My heart raced as I prepared myself to admit the reason and my nervousness delayed me, “It's stupid though.” I said.

She groaned, “Come on, Hayl, get off it!”

I closed my eyes and held my breath like I used prepare to take any medicines, when I was younger. “I saw this boy with guitar yesterday whom I don't know and I thought you could help me with it. Do you know his name?” I said in a bullet train speed that made my whole body heat up and I kicked my blanket off me.

“Excuse me?!” I bit my bottom lip so hardly as I heard her ask, almost in a silent squeal. “You saw a boy with guitar somewhere whom you don't know and wants me to tell you who it is? What am I? A witch?” she asked and chuckled at the last words on her own joke.

I didn't expect her to catch my words but she did. I've always had the problem of speed-talk but my family and close friends are now very much used to it and no wonder how did she managed to figure it out. But wait, she's missing a point. I meant the boy who played guitar for worship yesterday; not just someone I saw somewhere.

I've already set my foot on the floor and was pacing, but kept my distance from the door. “Nice joke, Rex, but I was talking about the boy who played guitar in worship yesterday.” I said, siting back on my bed, but heart was drumming inside me like crazy.

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