𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜

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Dahlia was nervous, and she didn't know why. Though she had a suspicion it was because of three third year Gryffindors who couldn't help but get themselves into trouble every year. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley always kept Dahlia on her toes. Though Hermione was the least reckless out of the three, she still managed to get into trouble. Lost in her thought, she didn't realize she was walking straight into a man before it was too late.

"Ouch." Dahlia muttered, rubbing her forehead

"I'm sorry I should've been watching where I was going." Dahlia apologized, having to strain her neck quite a bit since he was so tall.

"It's quite alright, I was distracted as well." The man chuckled

"Ohh, you're cute aren't you." Dona observed

The man blushed, while Dahlia just shook her head. Dona's bluntness would someday get her in trouble 

"Thank you." The man cleared his throat "I'm Remus Lupin."

"I'm Dona Montgomery and this is Dahlia Forest." Dona introduces

"Well Mr. Lupin we must be going, I'm sorry again for bumping into you. Have a good day." Dahlia said lightly

"Thank you, you as well Dahlia."

"He was cute wasn't he?" Dona asked once the women were far enough away from him

"Yeah, he was. But we don't know him. I mean he could be my professor for all I know."

Dona sighed "I know, I just want you to find somebody and be happy. You can't hang onto Jena forever."

Jena was Dahlia's ex, the two girls only dated for a couple of months, but Dahlia felt like the two really had a connection. Well, until Jena cheated on her.

"I know, I know, but it's not that easy I mean I loved her."

After that the woman walked in silence until they reached the train.

"Well, I'm off for my last year." Dahlia said

"Make the most of it dearie." Dona said

"I will, Auntie."

"And remember, nobody can know."

Dahlia nodded, knowing that her secret coming out could put both her and Dona's life in danger. With one final goodbye she boarded the train. Immediately Dahlia rushed to the compartment she shared with Olive and Amara to avoid social interaction. Unfortunately she walked in on Amara liplocking with the Slytherin prefect, Cindy. Dahlia awkwardly cleared her throat, and the two girls immediately jumped apart.

"Um, sorry to interrupt." Dahlia said

"It's alright. We'll continue this later, won't we Cindy?" Amara smirked

Cindy nodded and left the compartment while Dahlia grimaced. Though Dahlia was used to Amara's frequent lovers she still didn't want to see them sucking each other's faces. Dahlia didn't blame Amara though, she was quite beautiful, with light brown skin and hazel eyes, so why shouldn't she use her beauty to her advantage.

"How was your summer Lia?" Amara questioned before stuffing chocolate in her mouth

"Hello, Amara. It was quite alright. What about yours?"

"Mine was great. You know that pretty girl I was telling you about last year, the one who works at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour?" Dahlia nodded "Well, I fucked her."

Dahlia choked on air, not expecting that.

"Good for you, A." Dahlia laughed "Anyways, have you seen Oliver anywhere? He's usually here by now."

As if on cue Oliver walked into the compartment.

"Ah there are my 2nd favorite ladies." Oliver exclaimed

"Why are we second? Do you have a secret lover Oli?" Amara teased

"Don't be daft, Amara. His favorite lady is obviously his broomstick." Dahlia snorted

Amara doubled over in laughter, while Oliver glared at the two.

"Actually, I do have a girlfriend." Oliver said proudly

The two girls immediately stopped laughing, their eyes widened in shock.

"There's no way that the Oliver I know, has gotten a lover." Amara whispered

"It's true, her name is Mandy and she's wonderful." Oliver sighed dreamily

"God, love, it's so disgusting. I think I'm going to throw up." Amara gagged

"Don't complain, A. You're just jealous I have a girlfriend and you don't."

"That's not true Wood, take it back."


While the two continued arguing, Dahlia noticed the air on the train had gotten considerably colder. Dahlia immediately shushed the two children and stood up, her inner Gryffindor coming out (Even though she was a Hufflepuff) . Something dark stood in front of the door, hand on the door. Dahlia stumbled backwards as the thing opened the door. The girl realized that the thing was a dementor. They were cold, vile creatures wanting to take any light in your life that they could. The dementor reached out it's hand towards Dahlia, wanting her. Oliver and Amara looked at their friend, who was being trapped by the dementors, in fear. Dahlia knew why the dementor was longing for her more than anybody else in the room. 

"EXPECTO PATRONUM" Dahlia shouted, a beautiful white mare erupted from the tip of her wand.

The dementor immediately retreated, letting the trio breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to go check on the third years." Dahlia told the other two

Oliver and Amara were still too spooked to respond so they just nodded. Dahlia walked to the compartment she thought Harry and the others were in. Right as she was about to open the door, Remus Lupin opened and closed it. He turned around surprised to discover that the girl he met in the train station was standing behind him.

"Erm. Hello Mr. Lupin." Dahlia said standing awkwardly "I presume you're the new professor?"

"Your presumptions are correct Dahlia." Remus smiled

"Ah, well I just wanted to check up on the kids."

"Well go right ahead Miss Forest."

"I'll see you in class Professor Lupin."

"Goodbye Dahlia."

Dahlia entered the compartment with a pounding heart. She quickly shook her head and looked around, wanting to make sure everybody was ok.

"Are you alright Harry?" Dahlia spoke gently, noticing Harry looked a bit pale

"I heard screaming. I- I think it was my mother." Harry confessed

"Oh Harry." Dahlia pulled Harry into a hug, staying in that position until they reached Hogwarts.

When the group arrived at the castle, they all separated and went to their house tables as they waited for the first year students to be sorted. After the sorting Dumbledore told us the rules this year, looking mostly at the twins and the trouble trio.

"And this year, I am pleased to welcome Professor R. J. Lupin, who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Why don't we give him a warm welcome." Dumbledore said

The students clapped as Remus bowed and gave a tight lipped smile.

"Finally, let the feast begin."

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