𝙖𝙙𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚-𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙨

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Care of Magical Creatures was Dahlia's favorite class, which is why she chose to take it every year since she was thirteen. She loved talking to the animals, when nobody was looking of course. This year was especially exciting because Hagrid was going to be teaching. The girl had known Hagrid since she was a first year and he always invited her for tea.

On this particular day, they were going to be learning about Thestrals.

"Don' worry, it won' hurt yeh. Righ', now, who can tell me why some o' you can see them an' some can't?'' asked Hagrid

"The only people who can see thestrals are people who have seen death." A Gryffindor answered

"Tha's right, ten points ter Gryffindor. Now, does anyone wanna touch em?" When nobody answered him, he continued "How about you Miss Forest? You can see em, can't you?"

Dahlia slowly nodded her head, hesitant to walk forward. She wasn't afraid of the Thestrals, no she actually loved them. It was the fact that the whole class now knew that she had seen somebody die. With a sigh, Dahlia stepped forward and pet a Thestral. Immediately it relaxed under her touch, sensing that she was a friend.

"Well, would yeh look at that. It likes Miss Forest." Hagrid walked over to the girl and patted her on the back, a little too hard.

"Er- Thanks Hag- I mean Professor." a wincing Dahlia responded. And just as Hagrid was going to pat her back again, the bell went off saving her from a bruised back and shoulder.

"Goodbye Hagrid." the girl waved as she rushed to her next class. She hoped she would be able to see the half giant for tea soon.


"I hate school with a passion." Amara yelled as she flopped onto the Gryffindor sofa.

"Then quit" Oliver deadpanned

"Are you crazy? I can't do that, I need to pass if I'm going to become an Auror."

"Well then stop complaining."

"Jeez, What's got your britches in a twist man?"

Oliver sighed, running his hands through his hair. "Mandy and I got into a fight yesterday and now she's avoiding me. I don't know what to do."

"Oh man. I'm sorry Oliver." Amara tried to sympathize. She desperately looked at Dahlia for help since she herself wasn't good at handling emotion.

Dahlia shook her head and went over to the dejected puppy. "What did you guys fight about?"

"It's our six month anniversary and I forgot about it. She thought I planned something spectacular for the night and I didn't." Oliver sniveled

"Wait. You guys have been dating for six months and we didn't know." Amara interrupted

"Shut up A. Oliver, I think I can help."

The manchild looked up hopefully "Really?"

"Yes, Now does Mandy like flowers?"

"Hmm I don't think so. Why?"

"Alright, then what does she like?"

Oliver thinks for a moment "She likes candy."

"Ok, so my advice to you is buy her candy and apologize. Communication is key in a relationship, so if you want her forgiveness then you should explain how you forgot."

"Thank you, thank you. I love you." Oliver rushed to the portrait before he stopped "Um, do you guys have 2 galleons?"

Amara glared at the boy before giving him what he needed. "Only because I already owed you."

"Thanks A! See you at dinner." Oliver waved goodbye as Amara turned to look at me.

"You're pretty good at giving advice, Lia." she stated

"Thanks, it's my trauma."

Amara just rolled her eyes "Anyways I'm heading down to see Cindy, see you later."

"Bye! Oh and don't forget we have to start studying tomorrow."

"What. I can't hear you Dahlia. I'm afraid we're going to have to cancel whatever that is. Bye."

Dahlia just shook her head as she watched her friend leave the room. I should probably go see the giant squid, it's been awhile since we've talked... Dahlia gathered her things and started heading towards the Great Lake. The girl always enjoyed the breeze that came when walking, she could hear everything from the birds gossiping, to the fish complaining about the lack of food, and the centaurs complaining about the humans. Dahlia giggled as she heard the giant squid's deep rumbling. He was upset at her for not visiting sooner.

"I'm sorry Mr. Squid, I was busy with school. Plus the trouble trio adds some major stress. I promise I'll visit when I can."

"Talking to the squid Ms. Forest?"

"Oh Professor Lupin, I didn't see you there." Dahlia glanced around nervously "Yeah, I come here to vent my problems sometimes. Mr. Squid is a very good listener."

"You never give me a chance to talk so of course I'm a great listener" the squid grumbled inside Dahlia's head

The professor only laughed. "I'm sure he is"

"So what are you doing out her professor?" Dahlia asked trying not to make things awkward

"Ah, just going for a walk. It's a lovely night isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's beautiful. There's nothing like looking at nature through your own eyes. It's truly magnificent."

Remus studied the girl in front of him. She was a peculiar person, and he wouldn't mind getting closer to the girl. From their brief interactions with each other, Remus found himself longing to talk to her, needing a friend. The girl intrigued him, and he felt like a moth attracted to a burning flame. It was dangerous to get close to another person after everything, but he just couldn't resist.

"Well, you should probably head back inside, I suspect dinner is starting soon." Remus said

"Oh ok." Dahlia sighed, wanting to spend more time outside "Oh professor, would you like to join me on my walks every once in a while."

The professor smiled, "I'd like that Dahlia."

"See you in class Professor Lupin-"

"Remus. You can call me Remus when we're alone."

"Alright Remus, I'll see you in class. Goodbye" Dahlia said as she walked towards the castle just as the bell rang

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