𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙨

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Christmas break was coming to an end, meaning Dahlia had to start packing. She was excited about going back to Hogwarts. For one she had to give Harry, Hermione and Ron their presents. She also wanted to see Remus. The girl had come to the conclusion that she would try to get to know him more, after all nothing was wrong with that. As Dahlia packed, she came across her old diary, the one she used in the forest. She chuckled as she remembered writing about her childhood crush, Felix. He was 2 years older than her and she would blush every time he looked her way. Oh how her aunt used to tease her. She opened the small book and a photograph slipped out onto the floor. Dahlia furrowed her brows, as she leaned over to pick it up. The photo was of her, her parents, and her aunt at the spring solstice. Dahlia looked around 5 and the family was having a picnic watching the fire and water show being held, everyone looked so happy. Her, her family, the people. Dahlia clenched her fists, how dare she be happy and be smitten over someone when nobody else could be. How dare she, because of her everybody was dead. Because of her they didn't get a chance at life. Because of her Felix would never find somebody for him. Somebody to grow old with. How dare she. Dahlia crumpled the paper up, anger rippling through her in waves. She gritted her teeth while the house around her began to shake. How dare she. That thought kept going through her mind. How dare her parents. How dare they take away her happiness, everybody's happiness. Her aunt's happiness. Oh how Dahlia seethed. Cracks with vines appeared in the wall, she was overtaken by grief. She would get revenge for her people, she would bring them justice. Before Dahlia could do anything 
drastic, a hand appeared on her shoulder.

"It's ok honey, it's ok. I'm here."

Dahlia sank to her knees in anguish, crying and whimpering. Dona just stroked the girl's head whispering that everything would be ok.

"I'm sorry Dona I'm sorry, It's my fault. Please forgive me. Please." Dahlia pleaded

"Look at me Dahlia." The girl slowly brought her tear-filled eyes up to Dona. "None of that is your fault, okay? It is not on you. You were nine years old and you didn't know anything. You deserve happiness dear. You deserve to love someone and to be loved by them. What happened in the past is not your fault. Okay?"

Dahlia slowly nodded her head

"Alright, if you have any doubts or anything come to me. I love you honey. You're the best thing that happened to me. I love you." Dona hugged the still crying girl. Rubbing her back and 
whispering that she loved her over and over.

"I love you too, mom."


Dahlia had arrived back at Hogwarts and Harry had told her about how he got a firebolt for Christmas but Hermione had told McGonagall about it and so they took it to have it tested for 
tampering. They both suspected it could have been sent by Sirius Black.

The girl was walking back to her room when she bumped into somebody. (She was reading the newest edition of the Quibbler)

"Oh I'm so-" The girl cut herself off as she realized that she had bumped into none other than 

Professor Lupin

"Well, it seems as though we bump into each other quite often, Miss. Forest" Remus chuckled

"We have got to stop meeting this way Profes- Remus." Dahlia smiled

The two shared a laugh, before lapsing into silence

Remus cleared his throat "Would you like to join me for some tea, Dahlia?"

"I would love to."

"How was your Christmas?" Remus asked as the two walked to his office

"It was nice and quiet. Nothing eventful happened thankfully. How was yours?"

"Uneventful as well." He said as he opened the door to his office

The room was quaint with a small desk in the middle and boxes piled together in the corner. Remus began making tea and gestured for her to sit down. She sat and began to observe the room. The walls were bare except an old Gryffindor flag and worn wallpaper. His desk was tidy, quills and papers stacked together neatly and what seemed to be a photograph of him and some other boys. He looked younger. Happier. Her thoughts were interrupted by Remus handing her 
some tea.

"So, Remus," Dahlia began "Who are you?"

A frown appears on his face "I'm not sure what you mean Miss Forest?"

"I mean, what makes you, you? I want to know about you. Sir. I don't know much, except that you like chocolate and you're very neat."

"There isn't much to tell, I'm not very interesting."

Dahlia laughs "I'm sure that's not true. Fine, what's your favorite color? Mine is yellow."


"Favorite animal? Mine is a wolf."

"I like cats."

"What's your middle name?"

"John, like my father."

"Mine is Lilith, after my mother." Dahlia held back a grimace when mentioning her mother 

"Favorite tea? Rooibos is mine"


"What's your patronus?"

A... Wolf." Remus replied, though he looked hesitant

"Mine is a white mare. Oh speaking of wolves, I have something for you." Dahlia pulled out a small bag of wolf shaped cookies and handed it to him "I was making cookies during christmas and I had some extra ones."

Remus took the bag and chuckled at the deformed looking wolves. "Thank you Dahlia."

The said girl beamed before getting up "Well I should probably go Remus, thank you for having me."

"You're welcome anytime." Remus gently smiled as the two walked to the door

"Goodnight professor."

"Goodnight Miss. Forest."

Dahlia turned and started walking to her room, a light blush coating her cheeks. 


So you guys got a little taste of her powers. She's pretty powerful and you'll see in the future just how powerful she is

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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