|Chapter 3|

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Russia slowly stirs from his slumber to the loud sound of his ringtone as it resonates throughout the room. With a short groan he reaches over and picks up the phone holding it to his ear.
"hello?" he mumbles groggily while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

"Rise and shine sleepyhead! Japan wants you in his office as soon as possible" his sister Belarus shouts through the device, making him wince at her volume. He hears Belarus end the call and groans sitting up leaning back into his chair, the blanket loosely placed over his shoulders slipping over the back of the said chair. Russia looks at the blanket confusion overcoming his tired features. 'I don't remember grabbing a blanket' he thinks before shrugging it off, 'probably Belarus' he concludes looking at the clock hanging adjacent to his desk.

"Shit!" he shouts standing quickly running around the room like a madman trying to collect everything. He had slept not only all night at work, but half the day as well. What the hell had gotten into him, and why hadn't Belarus woken him up.
Russia quickly asses himself before walking out of his office and down the hall towards Japan's office. He ruffles his hair lazily before putting his Ushanka atop his head again. He didn't have time to go home and have a quick shower to freshen up, so he hopes Japan won't notice his groggy, tired appearance. 

Russia quickly arrives, knocking on his superiors door hearing a 'come in!' before stepping into the room. Japan had his window open so the room was well lit. Russia had never really taken the time to admire the pure cleanliness of Japan's office until now. He had plants in each corner beside the large spotless window. His desk was clear of any clutter, besides the small pile of paperwork sitting beside him. He was clearly a neat and organised person, which was strange considering his sisters unorganised behaviour. 

"Good afternoon Russia. Or should I say, good morning?" Japan greets a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Good afternoon Japan" Russia replies sitting parallel to the smiling country crossing his arms over his chest.

"I just have a few things I'd like to discuss with you and then I'll be out of your way" Japan states taking out a small piece of paper. Russia nods sighing silently sitting up a bit, displaying Japan has his full attention. Japan clears his throat putting his glasses on "Alright first on the agenda, It has come to my attention that you have removed Ukraine from your staff. I understand that this is due to personal reasons, but Ukraine has valuable qualities that you are known to use during missions, he has a keen eye and can track suspects easily. He knows his way around sticky situations and has gotten you out of many tough jams. He's the reason you've been scoring so highly as of late, he's an important part of your team" Japan states seriously clasping his hands together on top of the desk looking at Russia cautiously. Russia stills for a second contemplating his words. 

"But what's the point of keeping him on if I can't trust him?" Russia replies keeping his cool, 

"He was talking to Canada. Everyone knows they are closer then two normal agents. So it was bound to get out. Besides he works for the same system. At least he isn't telling your enemies. He's your brother Russia. You know somewhere in your empty heart that he would never betray you" Japan answers sighing. Russia nods simply, he wouldn't admit it, but Japan did have a point. "Anyways, the next thing... there's a party tonight-"

"No. No way-" Rus cuts in only for Japan to cut him off,

"Come on Russia this one is important-" Japan intervenes only for Russia to cut him off yet again, 

"I don't go to parties Japan. Everyone knows that" Russia states standing aggravatedly

"America will be there" Japan suggests as if that will sway Russia. Russia simply scoffs,

"And that's supposed to convince me? If anything that makes me want to stay away even more" Russia adds incredulously,

"Oh, I just thought after yesterday-"

"What happened yesterday?" Russia suddenly interrupts suddenly, as if he's realised something,

"America wouldn't let anyone wake you, said you needed rest... I thought maybe there was something going on between yo-"

"No there's not! No way!" Russia shouts waving his arms in front of him wildly. Japan just stares for a moment a smirk slowly tugging at his lips. 

".. mhm sure. Tell that to the blush coating your cheeks" Japan teases. Russia simply huffs opting to change the subject,

"What's the address?" Japan perks up at this and hands him a piece of paper smiling,

"I'll see you there Russia!" Russia groans in response walking out mumbling angrily.

Japan smiles wildly calling his sister immediately. 
"The plan is in motion" he simply states hanging up. The truth was that the party had an underlying meaning. Japan had organised for Britain to make an announcement at the party involving the combination of both Russia and America's team. This change would be hard... but also amusing. 
And the explanation for this sudden change could be explained in one word, Nekomi. 
Once she had her eyes set on a ship, there was no getting around her reckless idea's. Trying to sway her was like arguing with a brick wall, and thus, Japan was roped into her absurd plan, awakening the mischievous country within. 

One things for sure, the two love birds would be trapped together soon enough..... insert evil winky face here. 

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