Date?? / Infiltration

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Yeah, I had nothing better to put^

Izuku POV

I started getting ready for our meet-up, I wore a green hoodie and jeans, I went down and shouted "I'm going out!!" Fuyu came running and asked "Where?! Can I come too?!"

"Private, No" I said, she had a confused look and it changed to a shocked expression "Your going on a date?! Eeeee!!! Izuku finally grew up" while hugging me

I sighed "No it's not a date, it's a meet up"

"Are you hanging out with a girl??"


"Are you both alone??"

"Yes unless she decides to bring a friend"

"It's a date!!!!"

Nat came out and said "No way someone would go out with a looser like him" as he leaned on the doorway

I punched the wall and the floor below Nat slid and he fell face first "Better than going out with you"

He got up and activated his quirk, I ran out while Nat was chasing me, I eventually lost him after tripping him a few times and reached the training ground, I saw Stella and approached her

"Hey Ikke!!" She said, I greeted her back and we started moving around the city, I showed her the park, some malls where we went shopping for a bit and then I showed her random places where I like to visit, I reached the beach and realised I had totally forgot about it

We were about to leave when I heard something "Medium-sized meat shield!!!" And turned around to see... bright blue living thing??

"Hey werent you green??"

"Oh that was slime, this is water, I couldn't get anything better without it harming me" he said

(A.N. I don't know if it's true or not)

"Ahhh ok" I said, he nodded and then lunged at me, Stella was just confused about our interaction and I pushed her aside with earth then tried to vaporize the water with fire, I jumped behind when it did only half the work

The.... water villain?? Exclaimed "I hate fire users like you!!"

I shrugged "I know" and used more fire on him, this time he dodged and then went for a punch to my head, I ducked down and spun my leg below his water but my leg just got stuck

The villain smirked and started to grow to my body from the leg, I used fire to the max and blasted my self, I threw fire from almost everywhere and the villain got shocked, it tried to escape and I was about to intervene when Stella just burned him to a crisp

I looked at her and said "This never happened" and she nodded

We started to go home as it was almost night, I offered to escort her and she thanked me

We reached her house and I knocked, the door opened to show a man who looked in his 40s or something with red hair

We reached her house and I knocked, the door opened to show a man who looked in his 40s or something with red hair

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