The Plan is working || Marcus

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Everyone meet up in the hall, the next day, and we not to make any contact with the cameras and to meet her at night to talk about how it went. I am kind of excited. I never knew about all of this, I am so happy Zoe and Tan went sneaking around!

Me and Alfie are walking down the halls, talking about the Google thing and the hacking.

"I know, our viewers!" Alfie moans. "We can't loose them, yet every second, I knew account is hacked. This is so stupid, messed up."

"I know, this is so unfair!" I sigh. "What did we ever do? We are entertainers!"

Alfie stops. He looks at me. "To be honest, I don't think our viewers will be tricked my these people. I think they will know something is wrong and that we are being forced to quit youtube."

"They are amazing like that, yeah" I smile.

Suddenly we both jump at the noise of wheels. Alfie moves right up next to me and whispers frantically in my ear, "cameras!" Remembering the plan, I come up Nala, Alfie can speak forever about Nala.

Finally comes in handy....


"So Alfie, how is Nala?" I quickly say. Everyone knows Nala, they have all heard of her. They want to hear interesting and new things, not the same dog all the time. Of course, I'd be happy to listen about Nala, so I am doing a good job of the plan. Alfie picks up quickly.

"She's good. She's so cute" he says, turning away from the cameras and walking swiftly away from them. He hints to me to follow him so I quickly walk after him and we start walking away when we hear someone hiss our names. We turn to the camera, our faces frozen.

The man points at the camera, his face confused and amazed. The viewers must think that we don't care about them anymore. That doesn't matter, because we are doing the right thing and saving them, even though they don't know it.

I had to think quickly. Alfie clearly didn't know what to do.

He wasn't thinking like I was.

I grab Alfie and we turn away and run. Up the stairs, across the room, to Alfie and Zoe's room. I practically jump through the door as Alfie unlocks it.

Alfie and I lean against the door and pant hysterically, laughing a bit because of what we did.

Zoe walks out, with Niomi by her side and Nala in her hands.

"What the..." Niomi says.

"You guys..." Zoe looks at us wearily.

"The... Cameras....the....they were...there!" I pant and Alfie laughs, leaning on me and I could smell his sweat, ugh. But. Instead of saying 'eww' I just laughed. I could smell mine too.

"Well we are meeting the crew tonight, so you can tell them. Well done guys, I hope your okay." Zoe laughs and Niomi giggles, walking to me and putting an arm around my shoulder.

Zoe goes to Alfie and kisses him, Nala jumping around in her arms.

I look at Alfie. "That went well" I simply say.


Sorry for the lack in updates, im trying to update more frequently x

Instagram: @idolzoella
Twitter: @suggdeyes5


Bye guys, hope your having a nice day! Happy pancake day ️xx

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