Good Clues || Caspar

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Ive snapped out of it and I want to be a writer when I'm older and I need to focus and get this finished, thank you for the lovely comments! 

I know following my story has not been the easiest as I have been so inactive but I promise that now it is the summer holidays, I will finish this story over time x

Also I want to tell you now, I am included another YouTuber into this part. She has 40,000 subscribers and I love her so much, she's called Eve Bennett. Check out her channel! 

Fan account on Instagram : @zoellasbraids


Dan leads us all, with Phil and Lauren and then me and Joe. I hate to admit it, especially to my viewers, but I get scared quite easily. There are little things like dolls and notes and stuff that creep me out. It's never easy to convince myself everything will be okay, because how can you know that?

Going back into that room isn't the best feeling. Joe pats my back, because he knows that I hate these sort of things. I respect him remembering that.

The room is the same but different. It doesn't take a genius to work it out that someone was in here, looking for something.

Lauren takes a deep breath. "Get searching" she says unsure and we all look at each other awkwardly. No one wants to touch anything, it's clear. But we have to, we have to find the clues. 

 Joe awkwardly slides to the back and starts rummaging through the nest piles of things, which reminds me of Zoe and her 'piles'. 

Lauren starts looking through bits of clothing and vintage things, while me, Dan and Phil turn to the desk, where the desk is loaded with lots of different notes and sheets. 

There was a lot of things to go through. 


I check the clock on the wall in shock. We started looking at 8:32. Its now 9:48. Not only have we been searching for an hour but no one has said anything. I look at everyone, still hard at work, trying to find something helpful to where Dom and everyone are. 

"It has been an hour" I say slowly, getting up and stretching my back. I swear I heard something click, and that was a horrible feeling to me, EW. 

"An hour counts as nothing if we haven't found anything" Lauren says harshly, throwing a book of notes on the floor. 

Suddenly, I hear foot steps coming up the stairs to the door. 

"Guys!" I hiss. "Someone is at the door!"

Everyone falls silent, staring at the door. The foot steps are light, but still sound scary and dangerous. I want to scream but the words can't come out. The door doesn't open but we can hear the breathe of whoever is there. 

The door slowly creaks open and a girl, around 15-16 (can't say my guesses are always accurate) walks in. She has brown hair, up to her collar bone, or a bit more, it's kind of dark so hard to see. She looks around at us and suddenly stops. 

"Oh my gosh! No way am I in a room with Caspar Lee, Joe Sugg, Lauren Curtis and OMG Dan and Phil, what is life!" She gasps. 

We all smile weakly at her. "Why are you here?" Joe asks kindly.

"I am a youtuber, have 40k subscribers. Well I did.. I came for my pay for teaming up with The Body Shop, on my last video. Um, if you don't mind me asking, why are you all loosing so many subscribers. And why am I? I had 40k, now I have 20k! I mean, what?!" She looks at us confused. 

Uh no. 


"Seriously! And you are doing this! To stop them!" Eve gasps as Lauren and Joe tell her what is going on. "And your doing it now, are you crazy!"

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"The youtubers event is tomorrow! All the viewers are coming to the Youtube House to visit, did you kidnappers not tell you! I am going! You have to say something and sign things. If you catch them, the event will not go on and the viewers will be disappointed."

"The viewers already are disappointed" Lauren sighs, kicking at rubbish on the floor. 

"Yeah but I have a plan for you" Eve grins. "Go home, go to bed, chill. Tomorrow, do everything normally. And then when you all have to say something, tell them everything! The viewers will defiantly be asking anyway, why you are all leaving."

And Eve Bennett, becomes a hero. 


Hope you enjoyed x

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