Filming Twice! || Niomi

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Me and Marky had to get up super early today as it was the first day of filming. I was so excited, as it was hard to believe that I was part of a television show. Yesterday, me and Tan went out and brought a lot of clothes for the filming, and I decided that later I'd do a haul video for my main channel. The filming company said they'd film me filming for my channel, a bit of behind the scenes and that. Which made me nervous, what if I said it wrong?

When I told Tan my worries, she informed me some information about the filming that I never knew. I didn't quite get how she knew this and I didn't but I didn't let that bother me too much.

"You know how we use the background Youtuber music. You know, really cheesy and that?" Tan asked me at breakfast.

"Yeah" I said. The music that five year olds listen to, yes. I'm aware of that music. I still never know why we use it. Eh.

"Well, for some scenes they will play that music. I'm pretty sure they will play that for you, so if you mess up, no one will hear you. Just laugh at the camera to make it look normal." Tanya grinned at me. "Don't worry" she winked.

I took a deep breathe. "Oh, thank god!" I laughed. "Thanks Tan" I added, hugging her. Then I went up to my room. Time to film!


"Hey guys!" I smiled at the camera and waved. "Today I am doing a clothes haul as I went out recently to buy some clothes for the shoot! I went shopping with Tanya and we had some obsessive moments when shopping. So yeah, I am happy to say this is my first video in the video house, in my office. New office. Yes, I hope you like my background. I made an effort to make it-"

Suddenly, there was a bang on the door. I got up and remembered it must be the filming company. I opened the door to a man with a huge camera in his hand. Behind him, there was a man with a speaker and a girl with another camera. The man smiled at me.

"Niomi Smart?" He asked, putting his camera down.

"Yes" I replied politely.

He grinned at me. "Good. I'm Dan. We are going to film some shots of you whilst you have to pretend that we aren't here, yes?"

I nodded. "So I'll just continue? I've already started my intro to the video so um, should I start again?"

"No no, it doesn't matter just continue where you left off and start now. We will let up quickly and start filming" Dan said quickly, setting up the camera by the door. The others walked in after him.

"Oh, this is Elliot and Sandra. They will be helping me as well" Dan added. I smiled at him. Elliot grinned but Sandra glared at me. Elliot nudged her and smiled apologetically at me.

"Sorry, she's on her period" he said.

Sandra frowned at him and playfully punched him in the shoulder. But she didn't say anything. She really was on her period, probably.

"Guys!" Dan laughed awkwardly at them. He smiled at me. "Sorry about them, Niomi. Sit down and do your video now, please. Thanks."

Confused why this had to be done straight away and so rushed and quickly, I said "Okay." I sat back down and continued speaking, trying to ignore Elliot whispering angrily to Sandra. "... I made an effort to give this new background and flow to it. I hope you guys like it. So, let's start with this top. It's from Top Shop ..."

Out of the conner of my eye, I could see Dan pointing the camera at me. I couldn't focus. It was so hard. The fact that he was staring at me and smiling made me nervous as well. This was going to be hard.

"... It's black and white, stripy and I love it! It's so original and... I don't know, I love it a lot. When I went to buy it, it was on sale for ten pounds and I think it would be fifteen by now but I'm sure it's worth it... Well it is to me! So yeah, recommending that for you guys..."

It was also hard that two other random people were filming me or hanging a speaker over my head which made it ten times more awkward and weird than it already was.

"Next, is my jumper from New Look, it's just so.. nice! It will last me from spring to summer because it can be in both seasons. I don't know, the colours are so nice and yeah, it's NICE!" I laughed cheerily and weirdly, looking at Dan who was giving me a thumbs up.

Something told me I wasn't doing too bad...


"Bye guys!" I waved at the camera and I got up and turned it off. I heard clapping from behind me and Dan was smiling and clapping.

"Well done!" He said. "That was great!"

"Thanks.." I said awkwardly. I could tell that I wasn't being that nice to him, he just seemed to friendly it was like...

"So, Niomi" he said nervously, packing his camera and equipment away. "Would you like to go on a date... Or... Yeah."

Crap. Crap! Did he really just ask me if I wanted to go out?! That's so ridiculous! I'm with Marky, doesn't he know that?

"No, I'm with Marcus Butler, he's my boyfriend, sorry" I said sternly, quickly tiding the clothes and putting them into the bags. I heard him gasp.

"Aaaaah! Sorry! I knew that!" He moaned. "Sorry."

"Oh it's..." I turned around but he was gone.

Well that was weird.


Hi guys :)

Hope you liked this xxxxxx

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