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we sat in cal and harry's living room watching the match, liverpool vs man united when my phone rang, evie's name plastered over my screen i clicked accept.

i took a breath before standing up and walking into the hallways, "hello." i sighed down the photo.

"you alright flor?" she spoke quite calmly to me, to be fair. "where'd you go, i heard you and als bickering i really didn't feel it was my place to get involved."

"mhm, i'm at cal and bog's." i nodded my head as if she was infront of me. "did tal end up coming?"

"yeah, she's in the kitchen with lise, are you going come back tonight?" she deeply sighed down the phone to me.

"yeah, definitely, i'm going to come and fucking sit in a flat with a absolute fucking bellend." sarcastically fell out of my mouth.

"i guess not."

"i'll just go stay at my sisters in kent or something." i groaned thinking about the cab journey, "alright, stay safe."

"mhm, you too, call me." evie hummed ending the call.

i walked back into the boys this time sitting beside ethan, "you okay?" he asked as i took a sip of wine from my glass, i pulled the glass from my lips swiftly nodded, "are you going home tonight?" i shook my head.

"fair enough, you know you are always welcome at mine." he smiled pulling me into a hug.

"fuck off." i laughed lifting my body up. "i'm actually dreading this taxi to fucking kent."

"and why the fuck you going kent for?" he looked at me as if i was a fool.

"my sister lives down there, only fucking place i can go other than up north and i'm not going up north for one night." i groaned.

"mine?" he cooed.

sighing i said, "you sure i wouldn't get in the way?"

"oh shut up flora!" ethan laughed, "like you'd get in the fucking way." everyones attention turned to us.

"what are you looking at?" i rolled my eyes at the three, all laughing.

"moody you are." gib commented.

"ah shut up." i threw my head back.

cal butted in, "you are a bit moody to be fair."

"it's just her though, innit." ethan shrugged, harry not getting involved staring at the tv screen.

"any fucking ways, hows sash bog?" i cooed, he nodded.

"she's fine, she's in london right now." he smiled. "coming round tomorrow, i think."

"my guys got a lass." cal hyped harry up.

"ah shut up cal, they've been talking for bare now." i laughed, "not like its old fucking news, but you hear about her all the time, i know i do and i don't even live with harry." i giggled.

"all the fucking time mate." cal threw his head back laughing.


a while passed me and ethan decided to begin to leave, we got ready and said bye to everyone and began to walk to his, it was absolutely freezing but bearable although i was evidently shivering.

"you alright?" ethan smiled putting his arm around me.

i smiled back at him, nodding "yeah, it's a bit nippy ain't it?" my body shook in shivers.

"mhm, it is, we are nearly there." he nodded at his block only a few metres ahead. "you're fucking shaking!" he looked at my goosebumps on my bear arms.

"well yeah, i didn't even bring a coat." i shook my head as he took his blue and red coat off and wrapped it over my shoulders using his arm to hold it up.

"better?" he smiled at me, i nodded at him, smiling.

we walked into his block, and walked into his apartment. walking into the kitchen he looked at me, "want another drink?" he pulled a kopparberg out of the fridge, i nodded. as ethan cracked his beer and my kopparberg open i made myself comfortable on his sofa, looking at him.

i took a sip of the cider in hand, sighing as i realised it from my lips looking at ethan. "bet you and lise will be fine tomorrow." he bit his lip.

"i don't know man." i shrugged taking another sip.

"what even happened, how did it start?" ethan cocked his head.

i heavily sighed, thinking about where to start, "saw some lad in tesco, told her he was good looking and she started talking shit." i looked at him, laughing.

"she's always talking shit." he chuckled, "nah but seriously you need to talk to her."

"maybe, i'm not talking about this right now though." i shook my head.

"fair enough." the room fell silent as we both took a sip of our drinks, where are we sleeping tonight?" i groaned, stretching my arms out, breathing the ice.

"i'll sleep on the couch in the office, you go into my bed." he placed his beer on the table.

"oh shut up ethan, we will just share your bed." i rolled my eyes. "not like your gonna fucking rape me or something." i giggled.

"ah shut up flo, you sure?" he cocked his eyebrow at me and i shake my head up then down.



thank you so much for the patience with the upload smh😭😂

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