Anne Marie

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Trunks are loaded into an automobile. Staff line the entrance to the Morgan Estate, they bid their goodbyes to Josephine.

She hugs every staff member individually, with her parent's frowning in the background.

"Enough, you'll be late at this rate." He father puffs.

Josephine gives one goodbye hug to the driver, before she gets into the vehicle.It speeds off to the train station.

"GOODBYE! GOODBYE!" She screams waving back at the staff, who have more emotion compared to her own parents.

A few of them cry, and wave back to her as she leaves out of view. Other's stand stiffly afraid of making a move, as her father's cold gaze cuts down the isle. A little girl in a pink dress waves at her.Josephine sits inside the train station, she looks around, staff, parents and students from other schools are milling about.

"You be good Ms. Josephine." Her driver says hugging her.

"I will Emmett." She smiles.

The two clasp hands, as he is let go. She walks to the entrance of the train station and boards the train. It pulls out of the station, she looks out the window.The trip isn't long at all, in an hours time her stop comes up. She gets off the train, the sky has turned an awful grey. No one else seems to be getting off at this stop either, she looks down at her ticket. Josephine is right, this is her stop. She walks into the station, a few men smoke in lazying about. She looks straight in front of her, a man holds a sign with her name on it. She quickly sprints over to him.

"I am Brooket ma'ma, I'll be your driver to Embridge." He says. "The fare is fifty cents."

She hands him a fifty cent piece.

He bows his head and waves her through.She hopes into the carriage. She hasn't seen one in a while, most everyone Josephine knows owns an automobile. It is a nice carriage though, with a leather seat and a wooden frame. The horse walks slowly forward, the driver turns his head to see why she isn't going any faster.

It topples over hitting the ground with a thud. The driver jumps out of the carriage to check on the animal.

"Sunny, girl don't do this to me! Come on, come one." He says trying to lift the horse.It won't budge though, the horse isn't responding at all. The driver backs away from the carriage and looks at the carriage in disbelief.

"We got a problem." He says.

"It's dead..." Josephine says looking at the creature.

"Yes ma'ma. We're going to have to walk the the 10 miles to Embridge. You got any better shoes then those, them heels will work up some blisters on your feet if you walk it in those." Brooket says with a sigh.

"No, sir." You say.

He sighs again.

"Take 'em off. You'll have to barefoot it, it's better than getting blisters, trust me." He says.

She comply with his demands and get out your shoes. Josephine can feel the cold wind hit her feet, but it feels good.

"Can you carry any of them trunks? Cause I know I can only take maybe one and carry it the whole way. If we drag the carriage that'll kill our time, something we don't have much off." He says taking some off the trunks off of the carriage.

Anne MarieWhere stories live. Discover now