The heavenly realm

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The bell rang blissfully as all angels rushed to greet the emperor. The sky was clear and bright as giggles of the angels echoed through the great big walls. Lily walked behind the rushing angels. She did not want to get pushed and shoved again. She has always been bullied for as long as she remembered. Years of lonely nights and having no real companion made her extremely introverted. She did not know what it was about her that made the other angels and goddesses so jealous. Isabella, the only angel who ever talked to Lily truthfully pointed out that she had great healing ability which made her stand out and therefore a source of envy and jealousy. Lily in fact did have great healing abilities, even so some goddesses doubted she was on par with them.  No matter how many times Lily healed others, her orb still remained the same. When an angel or goddess provides light of healings to another being, they lose orbs which shorten their live. But Lily's life orb always remained the same, again making her a target for more bullies. 

Lily tried her best not to pay any heed to the bullies. She knew her heart was pure and she would serve the heavenly emperor with always the right intentions. 

'Greetings, oh heavenly emperor', the angels gracefully said in unison. The heavenly emperor, Titus was seated in the highest chair in the sacred hall. He was the king of heaven, ruler to all angels, gods and goddesses. No one would dare defy him and his authority. He had aged well with silver hair and was wearing the emperor's gold armour which was ginormous. 

'I have called an audience today because I wish to discuss something very important', the emperor said calmly. 'There is a traitor amongst us'. Everybody gasped and started whispering. 

'Silence', the emperor roared. 'Someone attempted to harm me last night using the ancient dragger. I do not know how this individual came to possess this deadly weapon but their intention is very clear. They wanted to harm me or even kill me'. Ancient draggers were a myth. They were so powerful that it could be used to kill any realm's king. 

The emperor descended from his chair and slowly walked towards the angels, all angels diverted their gaze downwards as a sign of respect. As the emperor passes rows of angels, he finally stopped next to Lily. 

'You', he pointed at lily. 'The heavenly guards investigated the intrusion. They found the dragger's covers in your room'. 

Lily was trying to process what was happening. She bend down and started saying, 'My great emperor, I would never do anything to harm you or to the throne and imbalance the heavenly realm. This must be a mistake. It is not possible'. 

'You dare say the heavenly guards made an error', the emperor roared. The heavenly guards were personally trained by the emperor and the guards were all highly skilled and deadly strong. 

Lily began shaking her head violently. 'Please my emperor, surely there has been a mistake. I did not intend to badmouth the heavenly guards,  I....'. Before, Lily could finish, the emperor gestured the guards to take Lily away.

'There will be a trial tomorrow. Your chances of getting out of it alive are slim to none', and with that the emperor turned and walked away.

Lily started sobbing uncontrollably. The other angels started throwing disgusted looks at her as the guards took her away.

Next day. 

As the trial began for Lily, she felt miserable and dead inside. Some of the heavenly guards had kicked and punched her because of the accusations of attempted murder. But because she healed naturally, the marks were all gone by now. The pain still remained in her heart. 'What have I done so wrong to deserve this and be framed for something I would have never imagined in a million years', Lily sadly thought to herself. 

The wind god presented the dragger before the emperor, Titus. He began, 'This spiteful angel attempted to murder our heavenly emperor by this ancient dragger. As you all know, this dragger has been known to be long gone from all realms of this world. This angel has come to its possession meaning there is a sinister force siding with her. If we do not execute her, the heavenly realms will be in chaos. We need to make an example of her. Make her head on the gates of the heavens to give them a warning'. The crowds of angels, guards, gods and goddesses roared in unison. 

'Wind god', a deep voice came from the side. 'With all due respect, I checked the guard post records. This angel has not left the heaven realms for decades. And to add more evidence, there was another angel with her who was praying in the sacred hall during the time of the attack. Isabella', the voice called out in an demanding tone. 

Isabella quickly showed herself. 'That is true, my heavenly emperor. Lily was with me the whole time'. 

The emperor frowned. He did not expect the trial to go this way. 

Lily had no energy left. But she wanted to find out who the voice was. The voice was deep and strong yet so calm to listen to. She slowly raised her head as she tried to peak past. 'The war god, Kaden'. Kaden was huge and extremely muscular. He has never lost a war or a battle. Not only was he strong but he was one of the smartest scholars in the heavenly realm. Lily had met Kaden several times before but they have never talked before. 'Why is he defending me', Lily thought visibly confused. Then she looked at Isabelle and whispered, 'Bless your kind soul'.

The emperor looked troubled. He knew Kaden would never do anything irrational. He was a man of morals and virtue. 

'Fine but I will still have her exiled. I have heard her orbs still remain same after healing others. She clearly is not normal and is a monster', the emperor said harshly. 'This trial is over'.

The guards came to pick Lily when Kaden stopped them. 'I will taken this angel out to the gates', he said giving them a dangerous look. The guards backed away as Kaden lifted Lily up slowly.

'I can walk', Lily started stammering. 

'You look weak, angel', Kaden said smiling. Lily was taken back. Just before, he looked serious and deadly. But to Lily, he was calm and even smiling. Lily's heart warmed up a little.

'Thank you, war god', Lily said with a gratitude.

'Please, angel call me Kaden'

'Then call me Lily as well'

'That will do, Lily', Kaden said as he lowered Lily to the ground. They had reached the exit and Lily was to go into exile meaning she was not welcome into the heavenly realm anymore.

Tears started trickling down her face. 

'I.. sorry. I did not mean to cry and displease your sight', Lily said panickily.

'Lily, it is okay. Please be safe. Take this with you', Kaden said as he put a locket around her neck. 'Be safe'.

'Thank you', Lily said quietly as she started walking and descending from the heavenly realms. She would have to go the unmarked realm which was a free territory for all realms. Meaning all the traitors, murderers and monsters would be lurking everywhere. And Lily being an angel with light could mean she could attract them towards her. 

'Oh heavenly emperor', Lily began. She stopped and closed her eyes to correct herself. 'Dear protector of all realms, please have some mercy on me'. 




(Hello lovelies, thank you for reading the first chapter of my story on Wattpad. I am a new writer and currently doing it as a hobby. This story is free to read, so please show me some love and support. Much love! Genny X)

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